Hi, all
I booted a new instance from a volume and then attached an other volume to it,
and created image for the instance whos block_device_mapping like this:
| block_device_mapping | [{"guest_format": null, "boot_index": 0,
"delete_on_termination": false,
| | "no_device": null, "snapshot_id":
| | "device_name": "/dev/vda", "disk_bus": "virtio",
"image_id": null,
| | "source_type": "snapshot", "device_type": "disk",
"volume_id": null,
| | "destination_type": "volume", "volume_size": 20},
{"guest_format": null,
| | "boot_index": null, "delete_on_termination": false,
"no_device": null,
| | "snapshot_id": "438cd325-3fcd-4769-a3e9-c0a9aeaa2437",
| | "/dev/vdb", "disk_bus": null, "image_id": null,
"source_type": "snapshot",
| | "device_type": null, "volume_id": null,
"destination_type": "volume",
| | "volume_size": 10}]
There’s no problem when use the snapshot image to boot a new instance, that
block_device_mapping in image and one provied manually.
But rebuilding instance from the image ignores the block_device_mapping
attribute. Should we
replace all origin volumes by new volumes provided byimage block_device_mapping
according to device name?
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