Hi Yujun,

Thanks for the information. I will create a meeting as you suggested.

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 9:35 PM, Yujun Zhang <zhangyujun+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why not try the meeting bot to record the IRC log and archive it
> automatically? See http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/
> --
> Yujun
> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 5:40 PM <hu.zhiji...@zte.com.cn> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> About the daisy4nfv things we did not have time to discuss, I want to add
>> that: I thought in the future, when we move to work with OPNFV world, we
>> will still use this channel to discuss not only daisycloud but also
>> daisy4nfv. I personaly do not want to maintain two meeting by myself. But
>> your opinions are more than welcome.
>> 20160722 Agenda
>> ===============
>> 1) roll call
>> 2) Agenda bashing
>> 3) Approved Wei (kong.w...@zte.com.cn) as daisycloud core reviewer
>> 4) daisycloud status update
>> 5) daisy4nfv status update and disscussion in daisycloud channel
>> Log
>> ===
>> ? daisycloud-core project weekly meeting
>> huzhj
>> Hello
>> zhouya
>> hi
>> → lu has joined
>> ? lu is now known as Guest25493
>> ← Guest25493 has left
>> huzhj
>> Yao is on the sick leave, so may be we can not reach her
>> zhouya
>> ok
>> huzhj
>> Let's wait for more people come online
>> → luyao has joined
>> huzhj
>> OK
>> Let's start
>> → King has joined
>> ← King has quit (Client Quit)
>> huzhj
>> Today's agenda
>> 1) roll call
>> 2) Agenda bashing
>> 3) Approved Wei (kong.w...@zte.com.cn) as daisycloud core reviewer
>> 4) daisycloud status update
>> 5) daisy4nfv status update
>> 6) daisy4nfv disscussion in daisycloud channel
>> 1) roll call
>> zhouya
>> o/
>> → Sun has joined
>> luyao
>> o/
>> huzhj
>> roll call is a convention that everyone write them name with a "+" as the
>> preffix
>> Sun
>> O/
>> huzhj
>> Next topic, Agenda bashing
>> zhouya
>> +zhouya
>> Sun
>> +sunjing
>> luyao
>> +luyao
>> huzhj
>> Agenda bashing is a way for modifing the agenda right before starting
>> meeting
>> so if you have anything to disscuss please feel free to ask me to add to
>> the agenda list
>> If nothing to modify, we will go to next topic
>> Sun
>> Ok with me
>> huzhj
>> Ok, next topic Approved Wei (kong.w...@zte.com.cn) as daisycloud core
>> reviewer
>> luyao
>> ok
>> huzhj
>> As the result of the voting on the mailing list, Wei has successfully been
>> approved as our core reviewer
>> luyao
>> congratulation
>> huzhj
>> Hope he can do more great jobs for the project in future :)
>> congratulations!
>> But he is not online ~~
>> Sun
>> congratulations
>> zhouya
>> he is busy with tempest
>> ← luyao has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
>> client)
>> zhouya
>> with my joy respectfully
>> huzhj
>> Yes, our tempest is one the way, Wei will make it work for us soon.
>> → luyao has joined
>> → kongwei has joined
>> kongwei
>> hi
>> huzhj
>> We are still open for discuss about who will be and how he/she can be the
>> next core reviewer
>> Hi Wei
>> We are talking about you. thanks for the great work on the tempest things
>> Next topic
>> 4) daisycloud status update
>> Same old way, do it in alphabet order
>> huzhj
>> I wil be the first, keepalived/haproxy problem during kolla deploying has
>> been solved
>> the problem is that there are more than one clusters on our shared network
>> using the same virtual_router_id in /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
>> the virtual_router_id is choosed by kolla script which is a number
>> beetween 0 and 255
>> luyao
>> good
>> huzhj
>> it is easy to conflicted , so the resolution is for us to not to use
>> shared network to deploy many clusters at the same time.
>> zhouya
>> OK
>> huzhj
>> Next thing is that i have been cut off the size of kolla images tarball by
>> simply build what we really needs
>> Sun
>> the globals.yml give a default value 51
>> huzhj
>> @Sun , good catch!
>> luyao
>> we can set diff value by daisy
>> zhouya
>> so modify globals.yml?
>> huzhj
>> Yes, that will be a greate help for our development atleast
>> Sun
>> maybe wo can set diff value according ip of vm
>> huzhj
>> Due to the time limit let's talk about it in more details offline
>> The current list of images to build is as follows:
>> luyao
>> ok
>> huzhj
>> ← huzhj has quit (Excess Flood)
>> kongwei
>> flood :)
>> we need speak slowly.
>> → huzhj has joined
>> huzhj
>> I am back
>> can you see me?
>> Sun
>> yes
>> kongwei
>> yes
>> ← luyao has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
>> client)
>> huzhj
>> Next thing is I have made a draft plan of our road map
>> 1. OpenStack
>> 1.1 Upgrade dependances to Mitaka and resolve compatible issues Due
>> 2016-08-01
>> 1.2 Support Kolla backend Due 2016-09-01
>> 1.3 Preuild Mitaka OpenStack containers and upload to public storage Done
>> 1.4 Support Kolla specific role and network plane Due 2016-09-01
>> 1.5 Daisy config cluster/call Kolla Deploy through Command line Due
>> 2016-09-01
>> 1.6 Daisy config cluster/call Kolla Deploy through GUI Due ???
>> 1.7 Multicast imaging for Kolla Due ???
>> 2. OPNFV
>> 2.1 Provide one new POD Due ???
>> 2.2 Add Dasiy jobs framework to releng repo Due 2016-09-01
>> 2.3 Documentation framework in repo Due 2016-09-01
>> 2.4 Get POD Access rights Due 2016-08-15
>> 2.5 Implement Daisy4nfv build script and integrated into Jenkins Due
>> 2016-10-01
>> 2.6 Implement Daisy4nfv deploy script and integrated into Jenkins Due
>> 2016-11-01
>> 2.7 Support and use Genesis common config file Due 2016-11-01
>> 2.8 Finish Functest test cases after deploy Due 2016-12-01
>> 2.9 Finish Yardstrick test cases after deploy Due 2016-12-01
>> 2.10 Documentation content for next release Due 2016-12-01
>> 2.11 Support ODL container build & deploy Due ???
>> → luyao has joined
>> huzhj
>> Let me know if there is any mismatch with our current cadence
>> huzhj
>> Next thing for me is the horizon problem has been solved, it is caused by
>> selinux with which we can not log into daisy dashboard
>> so we have to think about to add disabling selinux command into our
>> installation script or just tell the user to do that before install daisy
>> kongwei
>> Do we need think about escalator?
>> Sun
>> thanks a lot,the problem confused me that much
>> huzhj
>> @kongwei, let discuss more about escalator in opnfv mailing list
>> @kongwei, we really have some thing to discuss with you about the
>> relationship between daisy and escalator
>> kongwei
>> OK
>> janonymous
>> hi team
>> huzhj
>> The last thing for me is that today I submit a bug and patch for Kolla
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/345872/
>> Hi Jaivish
>> Nice to meet you
>> huzhj
>> So Jaivish, if you have anything to share or introduce of yourself about
>> your current work progress in openstack, please go ahead
>> ← luyao has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
>> client)
>> → luyao has joined
>> huzhj
>> OK, @janonymous whenever you ready ,please feel free to say something :)
>> Let's go ahead, next, @kongwei
>> kongwei
>> ok
>> kongwei
>> This week, I add the tempest job in our ci env.
>> There are some error.
>> ← luyao has quit (Client Quit)
>> kongwei
>> errors
>> janonymous
>> huzhj: hey.. Currently i am a bit busy in submitting a patch to Kubernetes
>> which is written in golang
>> → luyao has joined
>> janonymous
>> huzhj: ohh sry to interrupt
>> please contibue
>> kongwei
>> Yestoday, the tempest env can work.
>> There are many testcases for TECS, so I delete them.
>> ← luyao has quit (Client Quit)
>> kongwei
>> We can look it at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/340625/19/
>> Now I resolve the flake8 errors of tempest script.
>> huzhj
>> Nice!
>> kongwei
>> There are 802 errors.
>> huzhj
>> That is
>> realy a huge job
>> → luyao has joined
>> huzhj
>> tough and rough
>> kongwei
>> I think it would be done this weekend.
>> huzhj
>> thanks Wei
>> kongwei
>> That's all
>> huzhj
>> OK, next , @luyao
>> kongwei
>> It's my duty. :)
>> huzhj
>> Oh, I almost forgot, Yao is on sick leave
>> luyao
>> l now finished the daisy code
>> with deloy openstack with kolla
>> we now can use daisy to deploy openstack
>> huzhj
>> So yao is it Ok for you to type works while you are at hospital? I think
>> it may be difficut to you
>> luyao
>> l am waiting for docter call
>> that is ok~
>> that is all
>> it is my all work
>> huzhj
>> greate, so i have to hurry to finishing building the lattest kolla images
>> and upload them to the public storage , then you can modify the url in
>> your code to get the right image. that is will be the last problem for you
>> currently right?
>> OK, next @Sun
>> luyao
>> yes
>> Sun
>> I have setted up a Ftp server for kolla images in aliyum cloud host.
>> Sun
>> Now there are two users for visit.we can use open user for download
>> images.
>> huzhj
>> Great
>> Sun
>> Only problem is that the images are huge, trams speed is slow.
>> I will try to solve this next days.
>> huzhj
>> I would like to have the new images to be cut off to less than 1.6G
>> Sun
>> that is all for me
>> huzhj
>> OK. next, @zhouya
>> Sun
>> ok,it may help much.
>> zhouya
>> this week
>> ← luyao has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
>> client)
>> zhouya
>> i change the function in config.py to implemented by regular expression
>> zhouya
>> and also make config.py as a lower layer of install.py
>> huzhj
>> So the regular expression is used for matching parameters in the yml
>> config file?
>> zhouya
>> yes
>> no
>> the regular expression is used for change the multinode file
>> → luyao has joined
>> huzhj
>> OK
>> zhouya
>> i already commit the code to gerrit
>> huzhj
>> I will review code next week
>> zhouya
>> that's all
>> janonymous
>> i used to work with swift team in past releases , for now i am working on
>> kubernetes to add some patches for openstack
>> ← luyao has quit (Client Quit)
>> huzhj
>> The code is the bridge between kolla and daisy and is very important for
>> us, os i hope everyone can review it, not only core reviewers
>> zhouya
>> OK
>> Sun
>> ok
>> huzhj
>> OK, last thing is about status update and disscussion in daisycloud
>> channel
>> janonymous
>> huzhj: I wanted to access CI infracture , but is it not possible for me ?
>> huzhj
>> 5) daisy4nfv status update
>> @janonymous what problem you faced?
>> can not download code?
>> janonymous
>> Seems it is internal zte's implementation for gate jobs
>> ZTE cinder2 CI (1 rechecks)
>> i was curious to know how it is implemented
>> huzhj
>> Yes , currently it was in zte's testbed. because basiclly we are a
>> openstack related project and we have no rights to upload jobs to
>> openstack infra ,it seems
>> but you can get help from Wei to get what you need i think
>> janonymous
>> but i wanted to see it's code how it's done.. ohh thanks
>> huzhj
>> OK, Let's talk about ci qccessbillity offline by using mailing list
>> We are running out of time. So things about daisy4nfv will be discussed
>> also in mail
>> OK?
>> Sun
>> ok
>> zhouya
>> OK
>> janonymous
>> ok
>> huzhj
>> I think that is all for today.
>> I wish all of you all good health and a happy weekend
>> @kongwei, do not forget to help @janonymous to get CI details
>> Sun
>> Thank you,the same to you.Bye
>> ← Sun has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC
>> client)
>> huzhj
>> Bye
>> zhouya
>> bye
>> kongwei
>> ok
>> bye
>> huzhj
>> Thanks @kongwei
>> bye
>> ? daisycloud-core project weekly meeting closed.
>> B.R.,
>> Zhijiang
>> --------------------------------------------------------
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