On Jul 27, 2016, at 10:51 AM, Joshua Harlow <harlo...@fastmail.com> wrote:

>> Whether to have competing projects in the big tent was debated by the TC
>> at the time and my recollection is that we decided that was a good thing
>> -- if someone wanted to develop a Nova replacement, then let them do it
>> in public with the community. It would either win or lose based on its
>> merits. Why is this not something which can happen here as well?
> For real, I (or someone) can start a nova replacement without getting 
> rejected (or yelled at or ...) by the TC saying it's a competing project??? 
> Wow, this is news to me...

No, you can’t start a Nova replacement and still call yourself OpenStack.

The sense I have gotten over the years from the TC is that gratuitous 
competition is strongly discouraged. When the Monasca project was being 
considered for the big tent, there was a *lot* of concern expressed over the 
partial overlap with Ceilometer. It was only after much reassurance that the 
overlap was not fundamental that these objections were dropped.

I have no stake in either Fuel or Kolla, so my only concern is duplication of 
effort. You can always achieve more working together, though it will never 
happen as fast as when you go it alone. It’s a trade-off: the needs of the 
vendor vs. the health of the community.

-- Ed Leafe

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