The TC has given guidance on this already:

"In order to simplify software development lifecycle transitions of Unofficial and Official OpenStack projects, all projects developed within the OpenStack project infrastructure will be permitted to use the “openstack/” namespace. The use of the term “Stackforge” to describe unofficial projects should be considered deprecated."

The Fuel CCP repos are projects that are not official OpenStack projects.

They are in the openstack/ git namespace because they use the common infrastructure and there isn't any formal plan to have the repos join the "official OpenStack projects" (i.e. the ones listed in the projects.yaml file in the openstack/governance repository).

Could they be proposed in the future as official OpenStack projects? Maybe. Not sure, and I don't believe it's necessary to decide ahead of time.

Please stop using a marketing press release as some indication of what the "intent" is for these repos or even that there *is* any intent at this point. It's really early on and these repos are intended as a place to experiment and innovate. I don't see why there is so much anger about that.


On 07/28/2016 12:33 PM, Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:

Zane's analysis is correct.  I agree with Zane's assessment that TC
clarification can solve this situation.


On 7/28/16, 9:15 AM, "Zane Bitter" <> wrote:

On 28/07/16 08:48, Vladimir Kozhukalov wrote:
Fuel-ccp repositories are public, everyone is welcome to participate. I
don¹t see where we violate ³4 opens². These repos are now experimental.
At the moment the team is working on building CI pipeline and developing
functional tests that are to be run as a part of CI process. These repos
are not to be a part of Fuel Newton release. From time to time we add
and retire git repos and it is a part of development process. Not all
these repos are to become a part of Big tent.

It seems to me that there are two different interpretations of what it
means for a repo to be part of the OpenStack tent, and that these
differing interpretations are at the root of the arguments in this thread.

The first interpretation is that repos listed as belonging to a team in
the governance repo are part of a deliverable that is released each
development cycle, and that the same team may also control other repos
that are not deliverables and hence not part of OpenStack. It's easy to
see how people could have developed this interpretation in good faith.

The second interpretation is that the TC blesses a team; that the only
criterion for receiving this blessing is for the project to be "one of
us", which in practice effectively means following the Four Opens; and
that all repos which the team intends to operate in this manner, subject
to TC oversight, should be listed in the governance repo. It's also easy
to see how people could have developed this interpretation in good
faith. (In fact, I was following the big tent discussions very closely
at the time and this was always my understanding of what it meant.)

The only additional thing needed to explain this thread is the
(incorrect) assumption on behalf of all participants that everyone has
the same interpretation :)

Assuming everyone holds the first interpretation, the current
designation of the fuel-ccp repo looks completely logical and the
complaints about it look like sour grapes.

Assuming everyone holds the second interpretation, the current
designation of the fuel-ccp repo looks like an attempt to avoid TC
oversight in order to violate the Four Opens while using the name of an
official project (and issuing press releases identifying it as part of
said official project), and the complaints look like a logical attempt
to defend OpenStack from at least the appearance of openwashing.

I believe this entire controversy will evaporate if the TC can clarify
what it means for a repository to be listed in the governance repo.


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