On 9/7/2016 8:47 AM, John Griffith wrote:

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 9:27 AM, Alon Marx <alo...@il.ibm.com
<mailto:alo...@il.ibm.com>> wrote:

    I want to share our plans to open the IBM Storage driver source
    code. Historically we started our way in cinder way back (in Essex
    if I'm not mistaken)

​You're mistaken, Cinder didn't exist at that time... but it's irrelevant.

    with just a small piece of code in the community while keeping most
    of the driver code closed. Since then the code has grown, but we
    kept with the same format. We would like now to open the driver
    source code, while keeping the connectivity to the storage as closed

​It might help to know *which* driver you are referring to.  IBM has a
number of Storwiz and GPFS drivers in Cinder... what drivers are you
referring to here?​

    I believe that there are other cinder drivers that have some stuff
    in proprietary libraries.

​Actually we've had a hard stance on this, if you have code in Cinder
that requires an external lib (I personally hate this model) we
typically require it to be open source.

    I want to propose and formalize the principles to where we draw the
    line (this has also been discussed in
    <https://review.openstack.org/#/c/341780/>) on what's acceptable by
    the community.

    Based on previous discussion I understand that the rule of thumb is
    "as long as the majority of the driver logic is in the public
    driver" the community would be fine with that. Is this acceptable to
    the community?

​No, I don't think that's true.  It's quite possible that some people
make those sorts of statements but frankly their missing the entire point.

In case you weren't aware, OpenStack IS an OPEN SOURCE project, not a
proprietary or hybrid project.  We are VERY clear as a community about
that fact and what we call the "4 Opens" [1].  It's my opinion that if
you're in then you're ALL in.​

[1]: https://governance.openstack.org/reference/opens.html



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I'm assuming this is the XIV driver which is a shim:


As for the open source part of it, vcenter isn't open source but there is a vmdk driver to talk to it, I imagine this is similar.



Matt Riedemann

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