Tony Breeds <> wrote:

On Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 09:21:57AM -0500, Matthew Thode wrote:

Ya that makes sense, the patch can be altered to just block 4.13.1,2
(assuming 4.13.3 really does fix it)

I feel like we've gotten ourselves (well at least I'm confused) about what
we're trying to achieve here.

It seem to be the primary purpose is to get a release of oslo.db out that works
for everyone both requirements consumers and non-consumers.

That seems to be done by:
1. Release oslo.db (4.13.3)
2. Bump upper-constraints to point to the new release
    Generated once the review above merges
    Once it is generated we can abandon:
4. Update global-requirements to mark some oslo.db versions as bad
    I'll update RSN

Agreed. Though I already have a patch for that:

5. Re-Release library packages that get a new the restricted oslo.db

There is also another goal to unblock PyMysql 0.7.7 from global-requirements
and upper-constraints.txt

I don't see the need for this. If distros were shipping 0.7.7 then maybe but
even then it's a risky change at this stage.

Agreed, and I expressed the same sentiment in Matthew’s patches before.

The only really compelling reason for unblocking 0.7.7 *now* would be because we can't do it after we branch[1] but if we leave it masked it just means that
distro packagers will know to skip it.

We should Abandon

Agreed, except that I don’t suggest we should abandon it. If there is some interest in unblocking it, then just postpone it to when Ocata is open.

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