Hello everyone,

I am having a problem writing/updating a test case to verify some new
feature (in my case, the "description" field for a network).

Acoording to Tempest Coding Guide[1], I am supposed to check if the
related feature is there by @test.requires_ext() like this:

And according to the same doc,
> When running a test that requires a certain "feature" in the target
> cloud, if that feature is missing we should fail, because either the
> test configuration is invalid, or the cloud is broken and the expected
> "feature" is not there even if the cloud was configured with it.

However, my patch[2] got a "-1" from Jenkins because one check
("gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-trusty-liberty") failed. The
reason for failing, I think, is just what I quoted above: the
tempest.conf[3]  file is configured as
  [network-feature-enabled]api_extensions = all
which means any api_extension is supported; but the feature I am
testing is obviously not there in Liberty, so the API doesn't accept
"description" field, and the test case failed.

So my question is, what did I do wrong? Is there some other way
to skip the case for older releases? Or, maybe we shouldn't use
"api_extensions=all" (explicitly list all extensions instead, which
takes some effort obviously) in the configuration file?

Thank you in advance.

[1] http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/HACKING.html#new-tests-for-new-features
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374645/

Bruce Tan

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