Hi Kamal.

On 3 October 2016 at 09:33, kamalakannan sanjeevan <
chirukamalakan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have installed Mitaka on ubuntu14.04. I have tried an all in one
> installation along with cinder using dd and then creating the
> cinder-volumes at /dev/loop2. The network neutron is using linuxbridge with
> vxlan.
> I am able to create instances that do not have internet reachability for
> same reason.

You must have Internet connection in the VMs, For example in swarm, the
swarm container is fetched from docker-hub on cluster creation,

> I have then install magnum and the python-magnum-client
> I get the below error as shown in the logs
> Service list displays after installing python-magnumclient 2.3.0, with
> full path only.

Magnum mitaka is incompatible with magnumclient 2.3.0. Better use magnum

> I did follow the magnum installation using http://docs.openstack.org/
> project-install-guide/container-infrastructure-management/draft/install-
> ubuntu.html

This guide which includes draft in the url is intended for magnum from the
master branch, for newton should be [newton-install] (currently master and
newton are the same) and for mitaka there is NO install guide.


> The certificates are used *x509keypair* on mitaka

This feature is available only from magnum Newton.

> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# 
> /opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/bin/magnum
> service-list
> +----+-----------------+------------------+-------+---------
> -+-----------------+---------------------------+------------
> ---------------+
> | id | host            | binary           | state | disabled |
> disabled_reason | created_at                | updated_at                |
> +----+-----------------+------------------+-------+---------
> -+-----------------+---------------------------+------------
> ---------------+
> | 1  | VFSR1.svcmgr.io | magnum-conductor | up    |          |
> -               | 2016-09-30T05:24:19+00:00 | 2016-10-03T06:58:44+00:00 |
> +----+-----------------+------------------+-------+---------
> -+-----------------+---------------------------+------------
> ---------------+
> Images available as below
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# glance image-list
> +--------------------------------------+----------------------+
> | ID                                   | Name                 |
> +--------------------------------------+----------------------+
> | c1c8e84e-12ba-4b05-b382-e57850e5dd6d | cirros               |
> | affb50c2-ca04-41fa-bf73-48ae526d2b15 | fedora-atomic-latest |
> | 94ee6d6e-93fa-47b2-844f-2d8d2ad1a788 | ubuntu-14.04.3-mesos |
> | f9acd880-f50f-493a-b6ed-46620b7b3481 | ubuntu-mesos         |
> +--------------------------------------+----------------------+
> DNS configured on this machine
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# cat /etc/resolv.conf
> # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by
> resolvconf(8)
> nameserver
> nameserver
> search svcmgr.io
> key pair and network list on this machine
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# openstack keypair create --public-key
> ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub testkey
> +-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
> | Field       | Value                                           |
> +-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
> | fingerprint | e0:9f:b5:91:e5:e4:39:90:c3:7d:7e:9a:ff:55:e3:29 |
> | name        | testkey                                         |
> | user_id     | 3bb731e1886347a19e90c06185be8a9c                |
> +-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# openstack network list
> +--------------------------------------+--------------------
> -----------------------------------+------------------------
> --------------+
> | ID                                   | Name
> | Subnets                              |
> +--------------------------------------+--------------------
> -----------------------------------+------------------------
> --------------+
> | 02bb0e68-1454-49ba-a40b-98130f58d9f6 | private
> | 9e5dfec3-7394-4ffc-b2c9-b24110b6d495 |
> | 555fbf56-e7ac-40ef-96cb-573a862ae42f | private1
> | 9abedee6-4c3c-4edc-a0cd-15571bc2ce51 |
> | 9ea39255-9e51-433f-95a1-cb8cf51543ea | public
> | 436bb0a4-e999-4874-844c-567e6312fe3e |
> | 069923b6-f657-4fca-8c5a-e0262c52f8c7 | public1
> | 1a8dad61-3261-41a4-86c2-7ad107fd78cb |
> | a91b3943-ac8b-41ca-9767-ad9cf2c1dc60 | 
> swarm-cluster-zhxyvth46o5c-fixed_network-xaz6nx43ec5e
> | 61789da1-17c9-431e-b728-22c4b923fd53 |
> +--------------------------------------+--------------------
> -----------------------------------+------------------------
> --------------+
> Volumes and cinder on the machine
> ----------------------------------------------------
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# vgs
>   VG             #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
>   cinder-volumes   1   3   0 wz--n- 250.00g 223.00g
>   ubuntu-vg        1   2   0 wz--n-   3.64t      0
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# pvs
>   PV         VG             Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree
>   /dev/loop2 cinder-volumes lvm2 a--  250.00g 223.00g
>   /dev/sda3  ubuntu-vg      lvm2 a--    3.64t      0
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# df -kh /var/lib/cinder/
> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/dm-0       3.5T  166G  3.2T   5% /
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# 
> /opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/bin/magnum
> cluster-template-create --name mesos-cluster-template --image-id
> ubuntu-mesos --keypair-id testkey --external-network-id public
> --dns-nameserver --flavor-id m1.small --coe mesos
> *ERROR: Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405) (Request-ID:
> req-98bf1c18-f1cd-4b6f-b604-4d18cd4cc1f1)*root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image#
> /opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/bin/magnum --debug
> cluster-template-create --name mesos-cluster-template --image-id
> ubuntu-mesos --keypair-id testkey --external-network-id public
> --dns-nameserver --flavor-id m1.small --coe mesos
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v2token =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v2:Token')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3oauth1 =
> keystoneauth1.extras.oauth1._loading:V3OAuth1')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('admin_token =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.admin_token:AdminToken')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3oidcauthcode =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:OpenIDConnectAuthorizationCode
> ')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v2password =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v2:Password')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3samlpassword =
> keystoneauth1.extras._saml2._loading:Saml2Password')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3password =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:Password')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3oidcaccesstoken
> = keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:OpenIDConnectAccessToken')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3oidcpassword =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:OpenIDConnectPassword')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3kerberos =
> keystoneauth1.extras.kerberos._loading:Kerberos')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('token =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.generic:Token')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension 
> EntryPoint.parse('v3oidcclientcredentials
> = keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:
> OpenIDConnectClientCredentials')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3tokenlessauth =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:TokenlessAuth')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3token =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:Token')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3totp =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.v3:TOTP')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('password =
> keystoneauth1.loading._plugins.identity.generic:Password')
> DEBUG (extension:157) found extension EntryPoint.parse('v3fedkerb =
> keystoneauth1.extras.kerberos._loading:MappedKerberos')
> DEBUG (session:337) REQ: curl -g -i -X GET http://VFSR1:35357/v3 -H
> "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: magnum keystoneauth1/2.12.1
> python-requests/2.11.1 CPython/2.7.6"
> INFO (connectionpool:214) Starting new HTTP connection (1): vfsr1
> DEBUG (connectionpool:401) "GET /v3 HTTP/1.1" 200 245
> DEBUG (session:366) RESP: [200] Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2016 07:09:39 GMT
> Server: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Vary: X-Auth-Token X-Distribution: Ubuntu
> x-openstack-request-id: req-db44a2fe-23d3-4d49-9e7c-539b95b570fe
> Content-Length: 245 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100 Connection: Keep-Alive
> Content-Type: application/json
> RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated":
> "2016-04-04T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json",
> "type": "application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json"}], "id": "v3.6",
> "links": [{"href": "http://vfsr1:35357/v3/";, "rel": "self"}]}}
> DEBUG (base:165) Making authentication request to
> http://vfsr1:35357/v3/auth/tokens
> DEBUG (connectionpool:401) "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 5791
> DEBUG (base:170) {"token": {"methods": ["password"], "roles": [{"id": "
> 20b84b42947e4605979a1616df15b1f9", "name": "admin"}], "expires_at":
> "2016-10-03T08:09:39.824863Z", "project": {"domain": {"id": "
> 3eb00003f30847e6be79f1f7b1295276", "name": "default"}, "id": "
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "name": "admin"}, "catalog":
> [{"endpoints": [{"url": "http://VFSR1:8000/v1";, "interface": "internal",
> "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 4159e4f0becf45e5b22e0d7f79a3e8e1"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8000/v1";,
> "interface": "public", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "939431700edc44fa9ba6178f65f4770b"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8000/v1";,
> "interface": "internal", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "da519a3218374c0f9beeeaffb9dc183c"}], "type": "cloudformation",
> "id": "07a812778ce94168a12436b0b3ec9265", "name": "heat-cfn"},
> {"endpoints": [{"url": "http://VFSR1:8776/v1/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "admin", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 7e23305b957a40aebdb89ccec9fd247a"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8776/v1/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "internal", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 84a255caa89f423e956882eab99b8926"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8776/v1/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "public", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 85e21af71ca648b590db6428ab7c3b97"}], "type": "volume", "id": "
> 211229f855b449d69460c1f63f2ac24f", "name": "cinder"}, {"endpoints":
> [{"url": "http://VFSR1:8776/v2/4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d";,
> "interface": "internal", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "22a08265fd164d509efc54ae4046f6ac"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8776/v2/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "public", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 89bad1f8756c4b68a9cd3b9d19beab65"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8776/v2/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "admin", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> c1276098101647b483e1d5fe7627c2cd"}], "type": "volumev2", "id": "
> 42f8cb97e4da4ed2b417aeb3c2b0a1ed", "name": "cinderv2"}, {"endpoints":
> [{"url": "http://VFSR1:35357/v3";, "interface": "admin", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 2e515fa624534b7e991bd7629bb99add"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:5000/v3";,
> "interface": "public", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "75edc1fdbace46a4832de17e4104c8d4"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:5000/v3";,
> "interface": "internal", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "f4c49c33c35f4107ad318ab122a494db"}], "type": "identity", "id": "
> 734adc8737a147889b6d4d9b84a2e53e", "name": "keystone"}, {"endpoints":
> [{"url": "http://VFSR1:8774/v2.1/4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d";,
> "interface": "admin", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "5d863fea75224f8e975de30b685720aa"}, {"url": "
> http://VFSR1:8774/v2.1/4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d";, "interface":
> "public", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> d07e368fe2ec46eda4308462ec0a17c6"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8774/v2.1/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "internal", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> feaf2d955112493695fc37dd6487852b"}], "type": "compute", "id": "
> 758ee85faf24404bb07a72f5d0230f4a", "name": "nova"}, {"endpoints":
> [{"url": "http://VFSR1:9511/v1";, "interface": "public", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 38a55b4f0ba148b8a373289bc99a759b"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:9511/v1";,
> "interface": "admin", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "3f57223d4d9a4c55adb6269903e7d54c"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:9511/v1";,
> "interface": "internal", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "403894a2863740b7b378f834dc5e1c94"}], "type": "container-infra",
> "id": "89eef987c8d34793a519b732c5031277", "name": "magnum"},
> {"endpoints": [{"url": "http://VFSR1:9292";, "interface": "admin",
> "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 0d5f2dc981e94c348cc7a16ddea9302d"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:9292";,
> "interface": "internal", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "6d7a7585dc1541ffbb1eb37d05549376"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:9292";,
> "interface": "public", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "f21462af5bfc450e8ee3038f6a3744e4"}], "type": "image", "id": "
> b27c5b3779744f239675e8f990245e2b", "name": "glance"}, {"endpoints":
> [{"url": "http://VFSR1:9696";, "interface": "admin", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> 4f69c5610b594fed811233da612540d9"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:9696";,
> "interface": "public", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "c6c62f290a074bf2987e20c2349fd41a"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:9696";,
> "interface": "internal", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "de6d308a61774c43a84eee665d379227"}], "type": "network", "id": "
> c33e3e2572e345f2bdf037cb8fc3aaf1", "name": "neutron"}, {"endpoints":
> [{"url": "http://VFSR1:8004/v1/4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d";,
> "interface": "admin", "region": "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne",
> "id": "614f00d7df0f4f13931d4c589b7cc342"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8004/v1/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "internal", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> cae0b628063645b2b29e4e2a7af4d63b"}, {"url": "http://VFSR1:8004/v1/
> 4db51f28e56742a6b62333cdd7ec890d", "interface": "public", "region":
> "RegionOne", "region_id": "RegionOne", "id": "
> d21e8bbcc97c40f48940bb106505eeb8"}], "type": "orchestration", "id": "
> d763c396741747d6bceae777307e1432", "name": "heat"}], "user": {"domain":
> {"id": "3eb00003f30847e6be79f1f7b1295276", "name": "default"}, "id": "
> 3bb731e1886347a19e90c06185be8a9c", "name": "admin"}, "audit_ids":
> ["Xk6pPoG6Seupb2wlZ-WCww"], "issued_at": "2016-10-03T07:09:39.000000Z"}}
> DEBUG (session:337) REQ: curl -g -i -X POST http://VFSR1:9511/v1/
> clustertemplates -H "OpenStack-API-Version: container-infra latest" -H
> "X-Auth-Token: {SHA1}d4eb6cf708b25f38b305dfb63650101324620141" -H
> "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H
> "User-Agent: None" -d '{"labels": {}, "floating_ip_enabled": true,
> "fixed_subnet": null, "master_flavor_id": null, "no_proxy": null,
> "https_proxy": null, "tls_disabled": false, "keypair_id": "testkey",
> "public": false, "http_proxy": null, "docker_volume_size": null,
> "server_type": "vm", "external_network_id": "public", "image_id":
> "ubuntu-mesos", "volume_driver": null, "registry_enabled": false,
> "docker_storage_driver": "devicemapper", "name": "mesos-cluster-template",
> "network_driver": null, "fixed_network": null, "coe": "mesos", "flavor_id":
> "m1.small", "master_lb_enabled": false, "dns_nameserver": ""}'
> INFO (connectionpool:214) Starting new HTTP connection (1): vfsr1
> DEBUG (connectionpool:401) "POST /v1/clustertemplates HTTP/1.1" 405 117
> DEBUG (session:366) RESP: [405] Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2016 07:09:40 GMT
> Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.6 Allow: GET Content-Type:
> application/json Content-Length: 117 x-openstack-request-id:
> req-622fedfb-3ea4-49f9-899c-34dd5e21fc13
> *RESP BODY: {"errors": [{"status": 405, "code": "", "links": [], "title":
> "Method Not Allowed", "detail": "", "request_id": ""}]}*
> DEBUG (shell:694) Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405) (Request-ID:
> req-622fedfb-3ea4-49f9-899c-34dd5e21fc13)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/shell.py", line 691, in main
>     OpenStackMagnumShell().main(map(encodeutils.safe_decode,
> sys.argv[1:]))
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/shell.py", line 633, in main
>     args.func(self.cs, args)
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/v1/cluster_templates_shell.py", line
> 150, in do_cluster_template_create
>     cluster_template = cs.cluster_templates.create(**opts)
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/v1/basemodels.py", line 107, in
> create
>     return self._create(self._path(), new)
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/common/base.py", line 49, in _create
>     resp, body = self.api.json_request('POST', url, body=body)
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/common/httpclient.py", line 366, in
> json_request
>     resp = self._http_request(url, method, **kwargs)
>   File "/opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/local/lib/
> python2.7/site-packages/magnumclient/common/httpclient.py", line 350, in
> _http_request
>     error_json.get('debuginfo'), method, url)
> MethodNotAllowed: Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405) (Request-ID:
> req-622fedfb-3ea4-49f9-899c-34dd5e21fc13)
> ERROR: Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405) (Request-ID:
> req-622fedfb-3ea4-49f9-899c-34dd5e21fc13)
> I get the same for swarm cluster as well
> root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# 
> /opt/python-magnumclient/.magnumclient-env/bin/magnum
> cluster-template-create --name swarm-cluster-template --image-id
> fedora-atomic-latest --keypair-id testkey --external-network-id public
> --dns-nameserver --flavor-id m1.small --docker-volume-size 5
> --coe swarm
> ERROR: Method Not Allowed (HTTP 405) (Request-ID:
> req-40af84db-0739-4ba7-8165-6261cb76c625)
> below is my root source file
> *root@VFSR1:/opt/mesos_image# cat /root/admin-openrc export
> OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=defaultexport OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=defaultexport
> OS_PROJECT_NAME=adminexport OS_USERNAME=adminexport OS_PASSWORD=adminexport
> OS_AUTH_URL=http://VFSR1:35357/v3 <http://VFSR1:35357/v3>export
> Can anyone have a look at this logs and help me out?
> Regards
> Kamal


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