NOTE: The election officals have been contacted by a number of people stating
that they have not recieved thier ballot.  In addition the email to
openstack-dev announcing the opening of the elction did not arrive.  As such
the election officials are performing the following actions:

 1. Extending the voting period by adding 24 hours.  The new time for election
    close will be: 23:45 October 9th, 2016 UTC.
 2. Re-sending this email.  If you see this email but no ballot please contact
    the election officials[5]
 3. Resending everyone's voter keys.  This last step does NOT allow for
    re-voting or adding additional voters.  Votes already cast are valid and
    will remain so

Voting for the TC Election is now open and will remain open until 23:45 October
9th, 2016 UTC.

We are selecting 6 TC members, please rank all candidates in your order of

You are eligible to vote if you are a Foundation individual member[1] that also
has committed to one of the official programs projects[2] over the
Mitaka-Newton timeframe (September 5, 2015 00:00 UTC to September 4, 2016 23:59
UTC) or if you are one of the extra-atcs.[3]

What to do if you don't see the email and have a commit in at least one of the 
official programs projects[2]:
  * check the trash or spam folder of your gerrit Preferred Email address[4],
    in case it went into trash or spam
  * wait a bit and check again, in case your email server is a bit slow
  * find the sha of at least one commit from the program project repos[2] and
    email the election officials[1]. If we can confirm that you are entitled to
    vote, we will add you to the voters list and you will be emailed a ballot.

Our democratic process is important to the health of OpenStack, please exercise 
your right to vote.

Candidate statements/platforms can be found linked to Candidate names[6].

Happy voting,
Thank you,

    Note the tag for this repo, sept-2016-elections.
[3]: Look for the extra-atcs element in [2]
[4]: Sign into Go to Settings > Contact Information. Look
     at the email listed as your Preferred Email. That is where the ballot has 

Yours Tony.

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