We tend to try stick with the various TEST-NET CIDRs etc as well in Designate, and document them here:



On 17/10/16 10:56, TommyLike Hu wrote:
When I handle some stuff related to Manila recently, I found a case which may be suitable for Oslo, Anyhow I put it in the maillist so it can be discussed before I put it in action. In testcase, we need a function(maybe 2) to generate random ip address (or network), also they should in the range of [1](ipv4 documentation range) or [2](ipv6 documentation range), this is the draft code for ipv4:

import six
import random

def rand_ipv4(network=False):
    """This uses the TEST-NET-3 range of reserved IP addresses."""

    test_net_3 = '203.0.113.'
    if network:
        host_length = random.randint(0, 8)
        address_segment = random.randint(0, 8 - host_length)
        address_segment <<= host_length
        address = test_net_3 + six.text_type(address_segment)
        address = '/'.join((address,
                            six.text_type(32 - host_length)))
        address = test_net_3 + six.text_type(random.randint(0, 255))
    return address

The primary use case here is writing testcases, I am not sure whether it is suitable here, or maybe I misunderstood the intention of TEST-NET-3, please leave any comment you like.

[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5737
[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5156

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