On 02/11/16 19:53, Matt Riedemann wrote:
> nova-network was deprecated in newton. Nova is working on moving the CI
> jobs that run against it to use Neutron only in Ocata. I'm tracking that
> work here:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/removing-nova-network
> In an effort to make this more of a global switch in Ocata, clarkb has
> proposed a change to devstack-gate to change the default value of
> DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON from 0 (nova-net) to 1 (neutron):
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/392934/
> There are conditions on that which are:
> 1. If a job definition in project-confg sets DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON
> explicitly, that's honored.
> 2. If not explicitly defined and the job is running against a stable
> branch, then nova-network is still the default.
> There are a few jobs which are definitely nova-network specific, like
> some of the nova-net specific grenade jobs and the cells v1 job. Those
> are being explicitly handled in a series here:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/392942/
> So why should you care, you ask? First, thanks for asking. Second, as
> noted in the commit message to ^ there are several grenade jobs which
> don't explicitly define DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON, like for designate and
> trove. With that change those grenade jobs will now start using neutron
> when upgrading from newton to ocata. This might work, it might not. If
> it does not work, and you know it won't work, please speak up now.
> Otherwise if things break we'll have to either (a) explicitly set
> DEVSTACK_GATE_NEUTRON=0 in those jobs or (b) cap them at stable/newton -
> either way those affected projects would have to sort out a path forward
> for continued upgrade testing in Ocata.

I don't know of any reason that this should not work for the Designate
jobs, as we do not make use of any of the other resources in the cloud.

I will try a manual test in the next couple of days to confirm though.

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