Hi Yatin, fengbeihong,

I'm using CoreOS to create Kubernetes CoreOS cluster.
Thank you so much.

Best regards,
On 2016/11/22 13:07, Yatin Karel wrote:
Hi Yoshihiko atsumi,

<<< I'm using CoreOS-1010.3.0, Magnum 2.0.1.
Is CoreOS used as a base OS or guest OS.

If You are using CoreOS to Create kubernetes CoreOS cluster, then

As you mentioned you are using Magnum 2.0.1(Mitaka),
In Mitaka, k8s-coreos cluster couldn't be created with multiple master, 
Creation of coreos cluster with multiple master is supported with newton 
release. Though, you can create multimaster kubernetes cluster with fedora 
image with Magnum 2.0.1.

If above is not correct, please share the Error and Logs as well and the 
Guide(or Steps) you followed for creating cluster.

Also, the steps mentioned by @fengbeihong are valid for newton(before newton i 
believe load balancer was enabled by default if neutron-lbaas is enabled in 
Openstack Setup), so those shared steps would not work with you.

You can also connect on IRC at #openstack-containers for further queries.

Thanks and Regards
Yatin Karel

From: 渥美 慶彦 [atsumi.yoshih...@po.ntts.co.jp]
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 7:40 AM
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Magnum] Question of k8s multiple master support.

Hi all,

Can I create the bay of Kubernetes which has multiple master?
I'm able to create the bay of Kubernetes single master, but failed in
creating the bay of Kubernetes multiple master.
I'm using CoreOS-1010.3.0, Magnum 2.0.1.

Best regards,

Yoshihiko Atsumi

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渥美 慶彦(Atsumi Yoshihiko)
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