Hi all,

My name is Alexey Weyl and I am a core contributor in the Vitrage team.

In the Austin Openstack summit we discussed with the Aodh team about creating a 
new alarm type, and after explaining it we got an approval [1].

Members from the Aodh team were in our design session in the Openstack summit 
in Barcelona, where we had further discussed this issue.

Vitrage is building a graph from all the datasources that it has (nova, heat, 
aodh, zabbix, neutron, physical entities, and more) and then when some states 
or alarms in Vitrage are changed then it may raise some new alarm or change 
some other properties of the entity in the graph.

Vitrage then pushes the raised alarms to Aodh in order that all of the projects 
will be aware of the alarm that has occurred.

We are starting to work on the following BP proposal: 

In this regard, I have two questions:
1. What should this new alarm be called?
2. As I'm new in Aodh, do you have any pointers or suggestions about where to 

Thanks in Advance,

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-telemetry-vitrage In addition

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