
Maybe this will sound dumb …

I received this email on openstack-dev mailing list. I don’t know if it was 
sent to any other place, because it’s basically agreeing on development to be 
done, which makes sense to me.
So openstack-dev people (called further “devs”) will push their company agenda 
on these goals based on what they know in their company. I see the work done 
together there, and I find it great, but…

Wouldn’t that be better if we open this discussion to the general population 
(openstack users, operators, and devs) instead of just devs?
I submit this question because what I see on 
https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goals is not only tech debt items 
that we have to fix, but also ideas of improvement on the long run for our 
It makes sense to me to keep the tech debt items as a devs only topic (I don’t 
see why a user cares _at least at first_ about using oslo.privsep vs 
oslo.rootwrap), and it makes also sense to me to align “community goals” with 
the broad community.

What do you think? Should we remove the non tech-debt items in this 
dev-community-goals etherpad?
Should we have another set of community goals that could serve as a basis for 
the OpenStack user survey?
Or should we keep these goals merged together, with the risk of having 
tech-debt items having lower priority the user requirements? (For that, the TC 
would be a good judge for final cycle prioritization)

I think having community goals is great for openstack, and I’d be happy to 
understand how we’ll adapt http://governance.openstack.org/goals/index.html 
into real life work usable for everyone.

Thanks for your clarifications.

Best regards,
Jean-Philippe Evrard

On 12/12/2016, 12:19, "Emilien Macchi" <emil...@redhat.com> wrote:

    On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 7:39 PM, Emilien Macchi <emil...@redhat.com> wrote:
    > A few months ago, our community started to find and work on
    > OpenStack-wide goals to "achieve visible common changes, push for
    > basic levels of consistency and user experience, and efficiently
    > improve certain areas where technical debt payments have become too
    > high – across all OpenStack projects".
    > http://governance.openstack.org/goals/index.html
    > We started to define a first Goal in Ocata (Remove Copies of Incubated
    > Oslo Code) and we would like to move forward in Pike.
    > I see 3 actions we could take now:
    > 1) Collect feedback of our first iteration of Community Goals in
    > OpenStack during Ocata. What went well? What was more challenging?
    > Some examples:
    > - should we move the goal documents into a separate repo to allow a
    > shorter review time, where we could just have 2 TC members approve
    > them instead of waiting a week?
    > -  we expected all teams to respond to all goals, even if they have no
    > work to do. Should we continue that way?
    > - should we improve the guidance to achieve Goals?
    > I created an etherpad if folks want to give feedback:
    > https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goals-ocata-feedback
    > 2) Goals backlog - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goals
    > - new Goals are highly welcome.
    > - each Goal would be achievable in one cycle, if not I think we need
    > to break it down into separated Goals (with connections).
    > - some Goals already have a team (ex: Python 3) but some haven't.
    > Maybe could we dress a list of people able to step-up and volunteer to
    > help on these ones.
    > - some Goals might require some documentation for how to achieve it.
    > I think for now 2) can be discussed on the etherpad, though feel free
    > to propose another channel.
    > 3) Choose Goals for Pike.
    > Some of us already did, but we might want to start looking at what
    > Goals we would like to achieve during Pike cycle.
    > I was thinking at giving a score to the Goals, that could be
    > calculated by its priority (I know it's vague but we know what is
    > really urgent for us versus what can wait 6 months); but also the
    > number of people who are interested to contribute on a Goal (if this
    > Goal doesn't have a team yet).
    > For now, openstack/governance is the repository for Goals, please
    > propose them here.
    > Please give feedback, we're doing iterations here, and hopefully we'll
    > improve our Community Goals over the next cycles.
    > Thanks for your time,

    Two weeks happened, here's a digest version of the etherpad:

    - Most of projects achieved the goal for Ocata, and we saw strong
    interest to do it on time
    - Some confusion between the ACK'ing of a goal, and actually doing the work.
    - Some projects were slow on the uptake (of starting the work) and
    even reviewing the patches.
    - For now, keep using openstack/governance repo for documenting Goals.
    - Improve guidance on what projects are expected to do when updating
    the status of the Goal.
    - For each Goal, document who the "guides" are and how to find them
    when help is needed.
    - It seems like achieving multiple Goals in a single cycle wouldn't be
    possible for all teams, we could prioritize them to let teams achieve
    more than one Goal within a cycle.

    What's next?
    Now that we have a good set of Goals that are proposed in this
    etherpad, we might want to rank them by priority (1 is the most
    important). Feel free to do it in the etherpad, by putting a rank in
    "Priority rank".

    Also, I've noticed some Goals might be too big to be achievable within
    a single cycle and might need to be split (Rolling upgrades for
    example). If you're author of one these goals, please do so.
    I hope we can start defining Pike Goals by next week, so we can start
    documenting what we would expect and the guidance to achieve it/them.

    Any feedback is welcome,
    Emilien Macchi

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