Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2017-01-10 09:44:06 -0600 (-0600), Sean McGinnis wrote:
> [...]
>> It doesn't look like much has changed here. There has been one commit
>> that only slightly modified the new license: [1]
>> IANAL, and I don't want to make assumption on what can and can't be
>> done, so looking to other more informed folks. Do we need to remove this
>> from the Jenkins run CI tests?
>> Input would be appreciated.
> [...]
> Our chosen platform distributors aren't ever going to incorporate
> software with such license terms so it's not something I would, from
> a CI toolchain perspective, support installing on our test servers.
> The only obvious solutions are to stick with testing an older
> release upstream (which is only useful for so long) and/or switch to
> third-party CI for newer releases (perhaps dropping official support
> for the driver entirely if Cinder feels it's warranted).

An alternative would be to fork drbdmanage from the last GPL commit and
try to maintain it in workable state from there as a GPLv2 library on
PyPI. This is obviously not a valid suggestion if we constantly rely on
new features / updates on that one (I have no idea if that's the case).

Overall, it sounds like a good idea (as we revisit driver visibility) to
indicate their external dependencies and under which licenses and
conditions you can use / modify / redistribute those.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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