Hi Kris,

Thanks for the feedback, I think everyone involved in kolla-ansible should take the time to read through it, as it definitely highlights some areas that we need to improve.

There's a lot of questions here, so I haven't gone into too much detail on any specific one; my hope is that I can clear up the majority of it and then we can follow up on some of the topics that require more discussion.

Hope it helps,

>      * I need to define a number of servers in my inventory outside of
>     the specific servers that I want to perform actions against.  I need
>     to define groups baremetal, rabbitmq, memcached, and control (IN
>     addition to the glance specific groups) most of these seem to be
>     gathering information for config? (Baremetal was needed soley to try
>     to run the bootstrap play)

You only need to define the top level groups, i.e. control, network, storage, monitoring, etc. If you don't want or have dedicated nodes for each of these groups it's fine to put the same node into multiple groups. So for example, if you're not interested in monitoring right now, you can just put your control node(s) under this and forget about it. The groups marked with [*:children] (e.g. bootstrap) are "groups of groups" and you shouldn't need to modify these at all.

> Running a change specifically against
>     "glance" causes fact gathering on a number of other servers not
>     specifically where glance is running?  My concern here is that I
>     want to be able to run kola-ansible against a specific service and
>     know that only those servers are being logged into.

The fact gathering on every server is a compromise taken by Kolla to work around limitations in Ansible. It works well for the majority of situations; for more detail and potential improvements on this please have a read of this post: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-November/107833.html

>     * I want to run a dry-run only, being able to see what will happen
>     before it happens, not during; during makes it really hard to see
>     what will happen until it happens. Also supporting  `ansible --diff`
>     would really help in understanding what will be changed (before it
>     happens).

Agree a dry run would be useful, I believe it came up during the Barcelona design summit but has not yet been looked at. The ansible --diff sounds like something we could easily do, if you could log a blueprint at blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible I think that would help.

>     * Database task are ran on every deploy and status of change DB
>     permissions always reports as changed? Even when nothing happens,
>     which makes you wonder "what changed"?

This shouldn't be the case, I just double checked taking Glance as an example, it reports "ok" (no change) for all runs after the initial deploy. Perhaps you've come across a bug, if you think this is the case please log one.

> Also, Can someone tell me why the DB stuff is done on a
>     deployment task?  Seems like the db checks/migration work should
>     only be done on a upgrade or a bootstrap?

Deploy includes bootstrap, but bootstrap is only done if the database is not found (or on upgrade). Again it sounds like you're coming across some unusual behavior here, suggest checking in with us on #openstack-kolla or filing a bug.

>     * Database services (that at least we have) our not managed by our
>     team, so don't want kolla-ansible touching those (since it won't be
>     able to). No way to mark the DB as "externally managed"?  IE we dont
>     have permissions to create databases or add users.  But we got all
>     other permissions on the databases that are created, so normal
>     db-manage tooling works.

This is definitely something we need - I'm pretty sure I saw something around this in the review queue very recently. I can't find it off hand so hopefully someone can chip in here on the status of this work.

>     * Maintenance level operations; doesn't seem to be any built-in to
>     say 'take a server out  of a production state, deploy to it, test
>     it, put it back into production'  Seems like if kola-ansible is
>     doing haproxy for API's, it should be managing this?  Or an
> extension point to allow us to run our own maintenance/testing scripts?

Again, discussed, needs to happen, but not there as of yet.

>     * Config must come from kolla-ansible and generated templates.  I
>     know we have a patch up for externally managed service
>     configuration.  But if we aren't suppose to use kolla-ansible for
>     generating configs (see below), why cant we override this piece?

I'm not quite following you here, the config templates from kolla-ansible are one of it's stronger pieces imo, they're reasonably well tested and maintained. What leads you to believe they shouldn't be used?

>     * Certain parts of it are 'reference only' (the config tasks),
>     are not recommended

This is untrue - kolla-ansible is designed to stand up a stable and usable OpenStack 'out of the box'. There are definitely gaps in the operator type tasks as you've highlighted, but I would not call it 'reference only'.

>     Is kolla-ansibles design philosophy that every deployment is an
>     upgrade?  Or every deployment should include all the base level
>     boostrap tests?

Every deployment should be idempotent. This is key to kolla-ansible's philosophy. It sounds like you've come across some tasks that are performing this way which is confusing things. Upgrades are only performed if explicitly requested (i.e. kolla-ansible upgrade).

On 23/01/17 00:06, Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:

Thanks for adding the kolla tag.  As we reach milestone 3, every kolla
dev is knee deep in development and probably not reading mails not
directly tagged with [kolla].

IOutlook 2016 has a bug where I cannot respond inline.  I am replying
here so my gmail account picks up the email so that I can respond inline.

It will take me several hours to process your email and I’m not certain
I can answer all of the questions to your satisfaction as kolla is a
pretty large project and it is difficult for any one person to know all
of the details.  I will hopefully have a response sometime this evening
for the things I can answer.  Hopefully others in the community can fill
in the gaps.



    *From: *"Kris G. Lindgren" <klindg...@godaddy.com>
    *Reply-To: *"OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage
    questions)" <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
    *Date: *Friday, January 20, 2017 at 6:03 PM
    *To: *"openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
    *Cc: *"openstack-operat...@lists.openstack.org"
    *Subject: *Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla-ansible] [kolla] Am I doing
    this wrong?

    Adding [kolla] tag.


    Kris Lindgren

    Senior Linux Systems Engineer


    *From: *"Kris G. Lindgren" <klindg...@godaddy.com>
    *Date: *Friday, January 20, 2017 at 4:54 PM
    *To: *"openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
    *Cc: *"openstack-operat...@lists.openstack.org"
    *Subject: *Re: [kolla-ansible] Am I doing this wrong?

    Poke.  Bueller?


    Kris Lindgren

    Senior Linux Systems Engineer


    *From: *"Kris G. Lindgren" <klindg...@godaddy.com>
    *Date: *Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 5:34 PM
    *To: *"openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org"
    *Subject: *[kolla-ansible] Am I doing this wrong?

    Hello Kolla/Kolla-ansible peoples.

    I have been trying to take kolla/kolla-ansible and use it to start
    moving our existing openstack deployment into containers.  At the
    same time also trying to fix some of the problems that we created
    with our previous deployment work (everything was in puppet).  Where
    we had puppet doing **everything** which eventually created a system
    that effectively performed actions at a distance.  As we were never
    really 100% what puppet was going to do when we ran it.  Even with
    NOOP mode enabled.  So taking an example of building and deploying
    glance via kolla-ansible. I am running into some problems/concerns
    and wanted to reach out to make sure that I am not missing something.

    Things that I am noticing:

     * I need to define a number of servers in my inventory outside of
    the specific servers that I want to perform actions against.  I need
    to define groups baremetal, rabbitmq, memcached, and control (IN
    addition to the glance specific groups) most of these seem to be
    gathering information for config? (Baremetal was needed soley to try
    to run the bootstrap play).  Running a change specifically against
    "glance" causes fact gathering on a number of other servers not
    specifically where glance is running?  My concern here is that I
    want to be able to run kola-ansible against a specific service and
    know that only those servers are being logged into.

    * I want to run a dry-run only, being able to see what will happen
    before it happens, not during; during makes it really hard to see
    what will happen until it happens. Also supporting  `ansible --diff`
    would really help in understanding what will be changed (before it
    happens).  Ideally, this wouldn’t be 100% needed.  But the ability
    to figure out what a run would **ACTUALLY** do on a box is what I
    was hoping to see.

    * Database task are ran on every deploy and status of change DB
    permissions always reports as changed? Even when nothing happens,
    which makes you wonder "what changed"?  Seems like this is because
    the task either reports a 0 or a 1, where it seems like there is 3
    states, did nothing, updated something, failed to do what was
    required.  Also, Can someone tell me why the DB stuff is done on a
    deployment task?  Seems like the db checks/migration work should
    only be done on a upgrade or a bootstrap?

    * Database services (that at least we have) our not managed by our
    team, so don't want kolla-ansible touching those (since it won't be
    able to). No way to mark the DB as "externally managed"?  IE we dont
    have permissions to create databases or add users.  But we got all
    other permissions on the databases that are created, so normal
    db-manage tooling works.

    * Maintenance level operations; doesn't seem to be any built-in to
    say 'take a server out  of a production state, deploy to it, test
    it, put it back into production'  Seems like if kola-ansible is
    doing haproxy for API's, it should be managing this?  Or an
    extension point to allow us to run our own maintenance/testing scripts?

    * Config must come from kolla-ansible and generated templates.  I
    know we have a patch up for externally managed service
    configuration.  But if we aren't suppose to use kolla-ansible for
    generating configs (see below), why cant we override this piece?

    Hard to determine what kolla-ansible *should* be used for:

    * Certain parts of it are 'reference only' (the config tasks), some
    are not recommended

      to be used at all (bootstrap?); what is the expected parts of
    kolla-ansible people are

      actually using (and not just as a reference point); if parts of
    kolla-ansible are just

      *reference only* then might as well be really upfront about it and
    tell people how to

      disable/replace those reference pieces?

    * Seems like this will cause everyone who needs to make tweaks to
    fork or create an "overlay" to override playbooks/tasks with
    specific functions?

    Other questions:

    Is kolla-ansibles design philosophy that every deployment is an
    upgrade?  Or every deployment should include all the base level
    boostrap tests?

    Because it seems to me that you have a required set of tasks that
    should only be done once (boot strap).  Another set of tasks that
    should be done for day to day care/feeding: service restarts, config
    changes, updates to code (new container deployments), package
    updates (new docker container deployment).  And a final set of tasks
    for upgrades where you will need to do things like db migrations and
    other special upgrade things.  It also seems like the day to day
    care and feeding tasks should be incredibly targeted/explicit. For
    example, deploying a new glance container (not in an upgrade
    scenario).  I would expect it to login to the glance servers one at
    a time.  Place the server in maintenance mode to ensure that actions
    are not performed against it.  Downloaded the new container.  Start
    the new container.  Test the new container, if successful, place the
    new container into rotation.  Stop the old container.  Remove the
    server from maintenance mode.  Move on to the next server.  All of
    that would only need to involve login into the glance servers.  In
    testing kola-ansible it does not seem like the act of deploying is
    that targeted?


    Kris Lindgren

    Senior Linux Systems Engineer


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