Hello Stackers, As we move into the last four weeks of work before the PTG in Atlanta, I wanted to check in to talk about what the Stewardship Working Group has planned and what we're looking to accomplish during our one day (Monday) at the gathering.
Currently, discussing among SWG members has focused around a few things: 1) Assisting the TC with writing a vision 2) Assessing our previous work list [0] and prioritizing future work for the SWG based on the community's interest in that list 3) Creating space for drop-in/community feedback on what we should work on next, and how it should be prioritized. 1) the TC Vision is on hold, and won't happen at the PTG. Since so many contributors would've been in other cross project sessions throughout Monday we thought it would be wiser to hold off, and do a facilitated vision during another time when the TC might be able to fully focus on it for a day. We're still working on timing for that, but I will keep everyone posted once I know what we've settled on. 2 and 3 are listed on our etherpad/vision for the PTG [1], with 2 currently scheduled in the morning, and 3 planned for a general availability for drop-in feedback in the afternoon (as we assume more people will have more sessions and less flexible schedules at that point, so drop-ins will be the easiest way to allow anyone who is interested in what we do to stop by and participate). I'd love feedback on that, scheduling wise, from any folks interested in participating. I'd also love to hear any other ideas about what we could cover during our day that might be useful. I spent quite a bit of our cross project session at the Ocata Summit doing a quick recap of the concept of Servant Leadership and it seemed like plenty of attendees appreciated that. Would a series of quick recaps of basic leadership concepts (Servant Leadership, Visioning, Principles & Culture, and Change Management) - if anyone is interested in having a small discussion covering some of those topics, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks so much, everyone - can't wait to see you all in Atlanta! -colette/gothicmindfood [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/swg-short-list-deliverables [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/AtlantaPTG-SWG
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