Hi Glancers!

Glance (Ocata-3) has been released.  With that done Glance
now enters its Feature Freeze period until release.  There is *one*
exception to that freeze (as discussed in today's meeting): Rolling
Upgrades work. That includes

- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382958/
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/392993/
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/397409/

If you are working on Glance, you should be reviewing those and
testing them locally.

No new feature work on Glance will be accepted until stable/ocata has
been created. I will attempt to keep track of all new feature work
coming into the review queue and I will -2 it with the appropriate

If there are any patches in the review queue that aren't already
approved prior to next week's meeting, I will not wait for them to
work their way through Zuul's gate queue. It would be ideal if we do
not have to wait for anything on Thursday to create the release

Note: I will be closely watching our project. If any features are
merged between now and RC-1, I will work to revert them, regardless of
whether it is accidental or not. We've had a few approvals lately that
have been suspect and I expect all of Glance's cores to be a bit more

Ian Cordasco

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