Hi everyone,

I must confess, I'm feeling a little sad. This is my very last What's Up, Doc. 
Next week, I'll be handling the Docs PTL mantle to Alexandra Settle. I've 
worked with Alex in varying capacities over many years, and I have no doubt 
that she will be a fabulous PTL. I'm really looking forward to working with 
her, and seeing what new directions she's able to take this team. I want to 
take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued 
support and encouragement over the last two years (and almost-four releases!). 
I have had an absolute ball doing this job, and it's all because of the amazing 
people I get to work with every day. Of course, I'm not going anywhere just 
yet. I will stay on as a core contributor, and continue to help out as much as 
I can.

In the meantime, we have a release to get out the door! We now only have 26 
days until Ocata is released, please keep an eye on the docs mailing list for 
updates, and consider getting your hands dirty with some Install Guide testing: 

== Progress towards Ocata ==

26 days to go!

Closed 211 bugs so far.

Release tasks are being tracked here: 
Install Guide testing is being tracked here: 

== The Road to PTG in Atlanta ==

Event info is available here: http://www.openstack.org/ptg 
Purchase tickets here: https://pikeptg.eventbrite.com/ 

Docs is a horizontal project, so our sessions will run across the Monday and 
Tuesday of the event. We will be combining the docs event with i18n, so 
translators and docs people will all be in the room together.

Conversation topics for Docs and i18n here: 

Also, a quick note that the CFP and ticket sales for *Boston in May* are now 
open: https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/call-for-presentations/

== Speciality Team Reports ==

No speciality team reports this week, as we didn't have quorum for the docs 

== Doc team meeting ==

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 9 February at 2100 UTC in 

Meeting chair will be Alexandra Settle.

For more meeting details, including minutes and the agenda: 


Keep on doc'ing!



Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia

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