The election of Pike PTL is happening during the Chinese Spring
Festival, so many developers from China are not reachable on radar.

As a community, we have done a lot of amazing work during the Ocata

- Versioning everything, especially the engine RPCs
- Support status added to profile type, policy type
- Unified notification for message and event format
- Improved support to health policy
- Improved support to container profile
- and many others

It has been an unusual cycle because it is *very* short. It has been an
amazing cycle for the team because we have more hands working on
different things and we have identified quite some new requirements
for the team to contribute.

In the coming cycle, I'd like to again serve as the team facilitator,
which is called the PTL sometimes. My vision for the Pike cycle is as

- A mature, supported health policy implementation.
- A better management of the container clusters.
- A better support to the NFV use cases.
- A more comprehensive feature support in the dashboard project.
- A stronger team to take the Senlin project to its next level.

These are just things on top of my head. All ideas are welcomed.

- Qiming Teng

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