On Sun, Jan 29, 2017 at 8:05 PM, Kendall Nelson <kennelso...@gmail.com>

> PTL Nomination is now over. The official candidate list is available on
> the election website[0].

It's great to see only 1 project was without a PTL!

> There is only 1 project without candidates, so according to this
> resolution[1], the TC we'll have to appoint a new PTL for OpenStack UX.

The UX project was briefly discussed at a recent TC meeting (see the end of
the log) [1], with Piet stepping down there was some discussion about
whether or not it needs to be a standalone project, or can turn into a
working group (like the API working group).

Oh, Thierry sent something out to the mailing list already [2], no replies

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