Dear all,

I work for EMC E-lab and focus on openstack EMC cinder driver certification.

Currently we have a single CI master with 2 slaves for VMAX drivers(FC/iSCSI).
In the near future, we'll take VNX driver into our CI and later we may take 
other EMC drivers like XIO into our CI systems. The number will increase when 
new driver is accepted by openstack.

We're having difficulties in choosing between single CI master structure vs 
multiple CI masters structure(1 master per driver).

For multiple CI masters structure, it has below drawbacks:
o multiple upstream gerrit accounts needed. one for each CI master.
o multiple external IP's from internal IT needed. one for each CI master.
o multiple masters increase complexities of admin and maintenance.

And below are pros and cons of single CI master structure.
o only 1 IP and 1 account needed.
o admin of a single CI master is much easier.

o One failure record of any driver will fail the review session for Multiple drivers greatly increase the chance of blocking 
review process of other successful drivers.
o Performance limitation - Results show up in only after 
slowest job completes.

Currenlty our VMAX cinder drivers(FC/iSCSI) take about 9-10 hours to run 
openstack tempest while VNX cinder drivers only take about 40 mins to run.  You 
can see that single master structure will greatly impact the commit rate of VNX 

Please kindly suggest which one is better for our situation.
Does anyone have similar dilemma?

your suggestion or hint will be very appreciated.

thanks and regards

Wan Shan (Sam)

Openstack Certification
EMC E-Lab Customer Solution & Qualification Labs
Tel: +86-28-82966713
Address: 7F, C12, Tianfu Software Park, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. of China

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