On 20 November 2014 13:43, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/19/2014 07:32 PM, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
>> Jay-
>> My own UX tests have demonstrated a need for both page jumping, and
>> being able to communicate to a user where they are in their list. I'd be
>> happy to show you the videos if you have a few hours.
> I don't have a few hours, no. :) But, what use case does jumping to page 7
> of some results listing fulfill?

For one, remembering where you were and coming back to it (more or less).

Jumping by batch index is cheap compared to the proposed
clone-the-result-set-ids thing, and IME useful enough that I'd be
annoyed at a system without it.

@Michael - I suggest just using a simple stable batch marker - e.g.
the unique key of the edge of the batch - which is stable enough to
handle inserts and deletes without double-showing or skipping rows.


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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