On 10/26/2015 11:59 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> Excerpts from Anita Kuno's message of 2015-10-26 11:39:46 +0900:
>> On 10/26/2015 11:30 AM, James E. Blair wrote:
>>> Anita Kuno <ante...@anteaya.info> writes:
>>>> The current list i have of folks who should gather is Jim Meyer, Monty
>>>> Taylor, Jim Blair, Jeremy Stanley, Clark Boylan, Elizabeth Joseph and
>>>> myself, Anita Kuno.
>>> As this may relate to infra-cloud, it would be great if perhaps Clint
>>> and/or Colleen could join us as well.
>>> -Jim
>> Thanks for speaking up Jim.
>> Well two things, it being 11:35am and the board working lunch is
>> scheduled to begin at 11:45am
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/26Oct2015BoardMeeting#Board_of_Directors_-_October_26.2C_2015_Meeting
>> (the board is running late, but the point is that we have to take the
>> chance to gather when it presents itself) one or both of Clint and
>> Colleen would need to be present in the room the board meeting is taking
>> place fairly quickly and secondly, if there are any objections from
>> anyone else as this is a rather late proposal and I do believe that
>> Clint at least was in channel at the time the initial discussion took
>> place and didn't speak up.
>> Baring an objection and given they are available, then a accept the
>> proposal.
> Thanks Anita. I'm here in the room and will be participating in the
> sit-down.
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Thank you Clint, I see you.

Jeremy has a reply pending. Let's see what he says.

Thank you,

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