What command line flags did you pass?

I don't generally use this or the 'delete' subcommand, preferring
instead to use python-jenkins directly.

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:03 PM, Thanh Ha <thanh...@linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> It seems to me that JJB 1.4.0's delete-all function has regressed and no
> longer performs the delete function. Instead it simply provides the
> following output and exits without performing any deletes.
> Sure you want to delete *ALL* jobs from Jenkins server?
> (including those not managed by Jenkins Job Builder) (Y/N): y
> INFO:root:Deleting all jobs
> INFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Number of jobs to delete:  50
> INFO:jenkins_jobs.builder:Cache saved
> Has anyone else noticed this issue as well?
> I'll try to find some time to investigate which patch introduced this issue
> unless someone else gets to it first but thought I'd inform the team.
> Regards,
> Thanh
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