On 02/12/2016 12:03 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2016-02-12 06:41:56 -0500 (-0500), Sean Dague wrote:
> [...]
>> What bug / issue tracker should I be using so that we can build up
>> profiles of things like this? I know story board isn't a thing atm. The
>> openstack-gate project in launchpad I don't think gets looked at (we
>> mostly use it as a dumping ground for ER signatures that don't have a
>> clear home).
> [...]
> Given the degree to which the Infra team is currently overloaded,
> sticking "something happened but I don't know what, here's a log"
> into an issue tracker is an even more effective black hole than
> asking someone in IRC to try and help figure out what happened. Sad,
> but true. The more effective path, which I'll grant is also not
> easy, is to try to add relevant additional debugging so that you can
> spot the cause yourself the next time it happens and have some hope
> of devising a fix for it thereafter.

For most of these issues infra-root is needed. So self debug isn't

If the answer to how to address issues is only "go bug people in IRC
until you get attention", I don't think we're ever going to dig out of
the current overload. My hope was if there was some more registered way
to handle issues then prioritization / triage could happen.


Sean Dague

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