I am a big fan of Openstack CI. I used it when I was contributing to
Solum project.

Currently at work we have a requirement to find a CI solution. Since I
know Openstack CI is comprehensive and stable, I thought I would re-use
it. Why to re-invent? And also it is open and free.

I was going through Thierry Carrez's presentation [1] on the topic,
"OpenStack Infrastructure tools you will want to borrow", but it is not
clear from that how it can be re-used. Also I have been reading,
"Running your own CI infrastructure" [2] which seems to be

Some of the challenges we are having.

1. We are already using Chef as our configuration management tool. It
   looks like we have to learn and bring in another tool Puppet to our

2. We are already using Atlassian Stash (re-named as Bitbucket server
   lately) as review tool. It will be hard to convince all our
   developers to move to Gerrit. Someone on irc pointed me to [3], to
   clarify that Gerrit is an implementation of Source interface. I hope,
   I will be able to implement Stash interface to Zuul. Has anyone in
   this list successfully integrated Zuul with review tools other than

3. We are using Redmine for project/issue tracking. I know that Zuul is
   using Launchpad. I think lately it also supports Storyboard. Also
   RedHat's Softwarefactory [4] project seems to be using Redmine. I
   have not looked into their code base [5] yet. But I hope I will be
   able to use Redmine with Zuul. If someone from this list has already
   attempted this, it will be great if they could share the experience.


[2] http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/running-your-own.html
[3] https://github.com/openstack-infra/zuul/blob/master/zuul/source/gerrit.py
[4] http://softwarefactory-project.io/
[5] https://github.com/redhat-cip/software-factory

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