On 2016-03-13 00:32:35 +0530 (+0530), Noorul Islam K M wrote:
> On zuul node, when I start zuul using service command, it is not working
> even though the process there is running process. I get Service
> Unavailable message in UI.
>    $ sudo service zuul start

Did you also start the zuul-merger service? Based on the debug log
it looks like you probably have, but just wanted to double check.

> Zuul debug log [5] shows that when a patch is submitted check
> queue gets updated and also gearman job is submitted.

I see:

    2016-03-12 17:47:58,365 DEBUG zuul.MergeClient: Submitting job
        <gear.Job 0x7f0a00347050 handle: None name: merger:merge
        unique: dbda5985f9b24d4cb59b806fedfc77c4> ...

And then:

    2016-03-12 17:51:16,119 INFO zuul.MergeClient: Merge <gear.Job
        0x7f0a00347050 handle: H: name: merger:merge
        unique: dbda5985f9b24d4cb59b806fedfc77c4> complete, merged:
        False, updated: False, commit: None

So I think something is wrong with the merger, but if that's the
case I don't know why the change isn't getting kicked back as unable
to merge. At any rate, until that's working it's not going to send
any work requests for the jobs for that change.

The other thing worth taking a look at is the gearman queue. You can
inspect it locally from your Zuul server by running something like:

    echo status|nc -q 3 localhost 4730

Response field order is described in the "Administrative Protocol"


Hope that helps!
Jeremy Stanley

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