I think the zuul parameter issue you are seeing is due to issue

See if the workaround in that issue works for you on newer versions of Jenkins.

According to zuul v3 spec[1], the next versions of zuul will continue
to support gearman so as long as the gearman-plugin continues to work
with Jenkins then everything is happy :).    With that said, I'm not
sure we have much motivation to update the Jenkins gearman plugin
since we are no longer use it ourselves.  We hope people who intend to
use it can contribute and keep it updated as necessary :)

[1] https://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/zuulv3.html


On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 1:42 AM, Wolniewicz, Maciej (Nokia -
PL/Wroclaw) <maciej.wolniew...@nokia.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Khai, Clark thank you for your answers.
> It looked like we had problem with dynamic slaves because we tried to use
> gearman plugin with newest Jenkins LTS release (2.7.1).
> We also had problems with sending Zuul parameter (ZUUL_PROJECT, ZUUL_COMMIT,
> etc.) to jenkins jobs. Those parameters could be seen in job description in
> build history:
> <p>
>   Triggered by change:
> <a href="https://gerrite1.ext.net.nokia.com:443/10541";>10541,41</a><br/>
>   Branch: <b>master</b><br/>
>   Pipeline: <b>check</b>
> </p><p>
> however were not passed as environment variables to job.
> When we used Jenkins release 1.625.3 - the one suggested on plugin's wiki
> (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin) – everything
> started to work. Now Gearman plugin sees dynamic slaves and is passing Zuul
> parameters to jobs.
> Could you tell me if there is a plan to support newest Jenkins LTS releases
> in near future (for example 2.7.1) ?
> On Zuul documentation page
> (http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/zuul.html ) we can see that
> openstack is moving away from Jenkins/Zuul to Ansible/Zuul for launching
> jobs.
> Will Gearman plugin be still developed in such case? Are you planning to
> support this plugin in long term period?
> Do you have any knowledge that future releases of Zuul (3.x.x) will also you
> gearman deamon to handle job executions so that we could use it with gearman
> plugin?
> Br,
> Maciek
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Zaro [mailto:zaro0...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 6:45 PM
> To: Foerster, Thomas (Nokia - DE/Munich) <thomas.foers...@nokia.com>
> Cc: openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org; Wilkocki, Michal (Nokia -
> PL/Wroclaw) <michal.wilko...@nokia.com>; Wolniewicz, Maciej (Nokia -
> PL/Wroclaw) <maciej.wolniew...@nokia.com>
> Subject: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Gearman-plugin for Jenkins: support for
> dockerized executors
> Jenkins still doesn to provide the ability to listen for executor
> changes.  It only allows listening to slave node changes with the
> ComputerListener[1] extension point.  It doesn't seem like there's any
> plans in Jenkins core to provide this in future releases.  If that's
> not available then gearman cannot provide the functionality that you
> request.
> [1]
> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Extension+points#Extensionpoints-hudson.slaves.ComputerListener
> -Khai
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 5:49 AM, Foerster, Thomas (Nokia - DE/Munich)
> <thomas.foers...@nokia.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are using the Gearman-plugin (version: 0.2.0) at our Nokia’s Continuous
>> Integration environment together with Jenkins (version: 2.7.1). Except the
>> Gerrit server, the entire CI environment is dockerized: Zuul servers,
>> Jenkins Master instances and build executers being able to scale according
>> the demand. The Gearman is being used to handle multiple Jenkins Master
>> and
>> build executers across the project.
>> We would like to start docker machines as build executors on demand and
>> according the real CI load. However there seems to be a limitation at the
>> Gearman-plugin (0.2.0), that all available build executors have to be know
>> and running during plugin start-up time. Docker machines started and
>> integrated to Jenkins after plugin start, won’t be recognized by the
>> plugin.
>> We found that is a known issue and documented at:
>> https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin
>> === CLIP ===
>> Known Issues
>> Adding or removing executors on nodes will require restarting the gearman
>> plugin.  This is because Jenkins does NOT provide provide a way to listen
>> for changes to executors therefore the gearman plugin does not know that
>> it
>> needs to re-register functions due to executor updates.
>> === CLIP ===
>> The Gearman-plugin seems to be still maintained.
>> Do you know whether that issue has been taken up for next upcoming plugin
>> release?
>> Thanks in advance for your support.
>> Best regards.
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> Thomas Förster
>> Manager R&D, A&A Network Management & SON BU
>> Werinherstr. 91
>> D-81541 Munich
>> Germany
>> Building 5541, Room 3056
>> Mob:  +49 173-25 57 169
>> Soft: 8045691
>> mailto:thomas.foers...@nokia.com
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Nokia Solutions and Networks Deutschland GmbH
>> Geschäftsleitung / Board of Directors: Wichard von Bredow, Birgit
>> Königsheim
>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: München / Registered office: Munich
>> Registergericht: München / Commercial registry: Munich, HRB 198136
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