
Quick reminder that today is the fourth planned sync up for JJB v2.0 api

Time: August 19th 14:00 - 18:00 (UTC) - this friday
Venue: #openstack-meeting (IRC)

Not quite ready to land all of the remaining patches for the 2.0 API work
during the upcoming sprint slot later today, but Thanh has been kind enough
to spend some time to get some ready that can be landed.

Additionally as suggested in the IRC room yesterday, can use this timeslot
to focus on any TODO tasks and whatever else is needed to help get the
remaining patches ready for the next session!

https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/jjb_api_v2.0 has been updated with a list
of patches that can be landed.

Also included two additional patches in the etherpad that would benefit
from feedback. These are design changes to the code where there are two
reasonable directions. Thanh has helpfully moved things around so we can
delay landing these without preventing most of the remaining work from
being reviewed and approved.

Chat to you in #openstack-sprint later this afternoon.

Happy reviewing!

Darragh Bailey
"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"
OpenStack-Infra mailing list

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