Hi infra,

I've got another live report from someone whose post on Ask OpenStack is being flatly rejected as spam. This is despite the fact we have Ask set up to send spam to a moderation queue, and I've bumped up the account karma to a level which should bypass that anyway. Checking on the Akismet side of things (which provides the spam yay/nay), it is certainly chalking up a lot of spam hits (hundreds) that are not making it into the moderation queue.

Needless to say, it's a bit odd. Upstream apparently revamped the spam system in the version marked to upgrade to in: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274032/

However, in order to make sure we're not losing up to 60% (akismet stat for October) of our potential legitimate posts while we wait for that, it would be great if there were some logs to try and find out what's going on.

Anyone able to dig and send me something?

(If you got curious and want something to grep for, try 2001:638:70e:11:2ad2:44ff:*:* || 136.172.17.* )



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