
We found a regression where python3-only Xenial images have a messed
up pip, and incorrectly installs glean.  The result is that the system
boots but no network.

Because dib builds images for a wide range of platforms, some of which
ship python3 only, we need a way to call python scripts that is
version agnostic.  For this reason we have the dib-python element,
which installs a local dib-python binary which can be used as a #!
script.  This script decides basically to call python or python3 as
appropriate.  A recent change made this explicit [1] and removed the
(theoretically) redundant python2 install.

We believe this is due pollution of the VIRTUAL_ENV variable into the
building chroot and some magic that happens in site.py to fiddle paths
[2].  But we haven't quite sorted that out.  Of course, it is very
worrying that this all got past CI and we will be investigating that

I have merged and released in 1.26.0 a hack [3] to ensure python2 is
installed for Xenial while we work on a better solution.

infra-root should be aware of this if there are any problems with
Xenial image generation that result in uncontactable hosts.  I believe
this will get us through the holidays.

Cheers & Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas all,


[1] https://review.openstack.org/408288/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/413487/
[3] https://review.openstack.org/413410/

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