
The Sahara project has been providing pre-built images containing the Hadoop/
Spark/$bigdata frameworks since the beginning of the project, so that users 
can be immediately productive.

The generated qcow2 images have been living so far here:

As a team we were wondering whether we could store those images on some shared 
and publicly accessible space on openstack.org (like tarballs.openstack.org).

I guess that the main concern could be the disk usage. Currently the space 
used for the older releases (from kilo to newton) is around ~110GB. The 
estimate for Ocata is ~35GB and the number is going to grow.
Of course we can drop old images when a certain release reaches its end-of-
life (unless there is a place to store some archived artifacts).

About the update frequency: the images are currenctly rebuilt with with every 
commit in sahara-image-elements (and soon in sahara with a different build 
method) by the tests. 
I don't think that we would need to update the images in this stored space 
with every commit, but at most once every month or, even better, when a new 
release of sahara-image-elements is tagged.

Please note that we already store some artifacts on tarballs.openstack.org, 
even if their size is not definitely not the same of those disk images.

To summarize: would it be possible for us to use some shared space, and if 
yes, which are the conditions?


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