
One of the things that has come up a bit recently is onboarding of
individuals new to Infra and how they can find what work needs to be
done. This is particularly important as Infra has been added to the TC's
top help wanted list. We've got a help wanted list under infra-specs
which is not really up to date with all the things I think we want help

Thinking about this not everything we want help with will be a spec, but
it seems reasonable that we should be able to write a story in
storyboard for these items. Since every spec already needs a story the
list of stories in storyboard is a superset of our specs. With that in
mind I decided to make a storyboard board to manage an Infra TODO list.
You can find it at https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/board/54.

I've added a couple hours of searching and brain racking worth of items
to the board but I am sure it is incomplete. Feel free to add stuff that
you notice is missing. For the "help wanted" lane tag stories with
'openstack-infra-help-wanted' and for the "in progress" lane tag stories
with 'openstack-infra-inprogress'.

My hope is that we can make this useful enough that the infra-specs help
wanted list can just link to this board in the future.

Let me know what you think. This is largely an experiment and I don't
intend on being the only user of this tool/information.


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