
Recently Fungi removed old Jenkins' votes in Gerrit which had the effect of 
bubbling up older infra-specs to the top of the review list. This prompted me 
to start looking through the list. So far I have abandoned one spec, 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/163637/, as the Zuul v3 spec and 
implementation made it redundant.

There are three other specs that I think we may be able to abandon for various 
reasons but they aren't as clear cut so want your feedback.

1. Tracking priority efforts with yaml, 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/219372/. I'd like to abandon this one as we 
are attempting to use storyboard boards for this type of work tracking. We 
aren't using a board yet for our priority efforts but I think we could easily 
add a lane to https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/board/54 to track that work.

2. Any bugtracker support in reviewstats, 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172886/. Russellb wrote reviewstats and 
doesn't seem to think this is necessary. Basically its easy enough to modify 
reviewstats to grok bug trackers other than launchpad. We also seem to have far 
less emphasis on stats tracking via this tool now so super low priority?

3. Infra hosted survey tool, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/349831/. We seem 
to be far less survey crazy recently compared to when this spec was proposed. 
Granted that may be due to lack of infra hosted survey tooling. Do we think 
this is still a service we want to run? and if so would the community get 
benefit from it?

Let me know what you think. Also, this list isn't comprehensive, I expect there 
will be more of these emails as I dig into the specs proposals more.

Thank you,

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