On 01/13/2018 05:01 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2018-01-12 17:54:20 +0100 (+0100), Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
> [...]
>> UEFI expects GPT and DIB is completely not prepared for it. I made
>> block-layout-arm64.yaml file and got it used just to see "sorry,
>> mbr expected" message.
> I concur. It looks like the DIB team would welcome work toward GPT
> support based on the label entry at
> https://docs.openstack.org/diskimage-builder/latest/user_guide/building_an_image.html#module-partitioning
> and I find https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1488557
> suggesting there's probably also interest within Red Hat for it as
> well.

Yes, it would be welcome.  So far it's been a bit of a "nice to have"
which has kept it low priority, but a concrete user could help our
focus here.

>> You have whole Python class to create MBR bit by bit when few
>> calls to 'sfdisk/gdisk' shell commands do the same.
> Well, the comments at
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/diskimage-builder/tree/diskimage_builder/block_device/level1/mbr.py?id=5d5fa06#n28
> make some attempt at explaining why it doesn't just do that instead
> (at least as of ~7 months ago?).

I agree with the broad argument of this sentiment; that writing a
binary-level GPT implementation is out of scope for dib (and the
existing MBR one is, with hindsight, something I would have pushed
back on more).

dib-block-device being in python is a double edged sword -- on the one
hand it's harder to drop in a few lines like in shell, but on the
other hand it has proper data structures, unit testing, logging and
config-reading abilities -- things that all are rather ugly, or get
lost with shell.  The code is not perfect, but doing more things like
[1,2] to enhance and better use libraries will help everyone (and
notice that's making it easier to translate directly to parted, no
coincidence :)

The GPL linkage issue, as described in the code, prevents us doing the
obvious thing and calling directly via python.  But I believe will we
be OK just making system() calls to parted to configure GPT;
especially given the clearly modular nature of it all.

In terms of implementation, since you've already looked, I think
essentially diskimage_builder/block_device/level1.py create() will
need some moderate re-factoring to call a gpt implementation in
response to a gpt label, which could translate self.partitions into a
format for calling parted via our existing exec_sudo.

This is highly amenable to a test-driven development scenario as we
have some pretty good existing unit tests for various parts of the
partitioning to template from (for example, tests/test_lvm.py).  So
bringing up a sample config and test, then working backwards from what
calls we expect to see is probably a great way to start.  Even if you
just want to provide some (pseudo)shell examples based on your
experience and any thoughts on the yaml config files it would be


I try to run the meetings described in [3] if there is anything on the
agenda.  The cadence is probably not appropriate for this, we can do
much better via mail here, or #openstack-dib in IRC.  I hope we can
collaborate in a positive way; as I mentioned I think as a first step
we'd be best working backwards from what we expect to see in terms of
configuration, partition layout and parted calls.



[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/503574/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/503572/
[3] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/diskimage-builder

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