On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 9:09 AM Clark Boylan <cboy...@sapwetik.org> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We still have a few Trusty servers hanging around. We should work to
> upgrade them either to Xenial (using puppet deployment) or Bionic (using
> ansible and containers?). We've made good progress in the past using a
> sprint type setup where the majority of us are focused on making progress
> on this sort of work. Can we plan another sprint to complete this task?
> Looking at a calendar I think many of us are still recovering from PTG
> travel this week, week after next is Ansiblefest, then I have a local
> Portland conference the week after that. Long story short October 15-19 may
> be our best week for this. Does that week work? Any other suggestions?

FYI I'm on vacation most of October so will only be around very
intermittently and unable to help sorry.

> I think we can (and should) work on this outside of the sprint as well and
> I will be trying to upgrade the etherpad servers in the near future. Let me
> know if you are working on upgrading any servers/services and I will do
> what I can to help review changes and make that happen as well.
> Thank you,
> Clark
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