On 2019-09-30 16:30:53 +1000 (+1000), Ian Wienand wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:09:22AM +0000, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> > I'd eventually love to see us stop preinstalling pip and virtualenv
> > entirely, allowing jobs to take care of doing that at runtime if
> > they need to use them.
> You'd think, right?  :) But it is a bit of a can of worms ...
>  * Python 2 first era (trusty/centos7) will use python2 pip and virtualenv
>  * Python 3 era (bionic/fedora) will use python3 pip and venv (*not*
>    virtualenv)
>  * RHEL8/CentOS 8 will use platform-python pip & venv

This is basically what I had in mind, yes. We could also clean up
after ourselves on ubuntu/debian where python3-pip and python3-venv
are in their own separate packages which aren't typically installed
by default on those platforms. But at any rate, I think we're at
least far enough along with the Python packaging ecosystem that the
available versions of pip contemporary with the Python interpreters
on new platforms (not trusty/centos7) are fairly stable when it
comes to featureset... unless we want to start making use of some of
the new PEP 517 work.

As for venv, I've found that tox works great with it too, you just
need to install the tox-venv plugin for tox and it doesn't bother
with virtualenv at all (been using that with some personal projects
for many months already).
Jeremy Stanley

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