We will meet in #openstack-meeting at 19:00UTC November 26 with this agenda:

== Agenda for next meeting ==

* Announcements
** Holiday week for those in the USA

* Actions from last meeting

* Specs approval

* Priority Efforts (Standing meeting agenda items. Please expand if you have 
A Task Tracker for OpenStack]
 Update Config Management]
*** topic:update-cfg-mgmt
*** Zuul as CD engine
** OpenDev
*** Possible gitea/go-git bug in current version of gitea we are running 

* General topics
** Trusty Upgrade Progress (clarkb 20191126)
*** Wiki updates
** static.openstack.org (ianw,corvus,mnaser,fungi 20191126)
*** Infra-root needs to create AFS volumes.
** Installing tox with py3 in base images runs some envs with py3 now - update 
(ianw 20191125)
** Submariner on opendev.org (dgroisma, mkolesni)
** dib/nodepool container (ianw 20191125)
*** ianw to do writeup before
** Discussion on retiring services that are largely unmaintained or unused 
(clarkb 20191126)
*** Want to start this discussion as services like Ask are barely on life 
support and we should probably clean them up.
*** https://etherpad.openstack.org/infra-service-list

* Open discussion

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