On 2015-02-25 1:21 PM, James Penick wrote:
Hey folks,
  I have a team that uses our OpenStack VM and BM clusters in their CI
and CD environments (And yes, they really do need baremetal for some of
their CI tests, unless I want to support gigantifriggenormous VM flavors).

  CI on baremetal works ok, however the time it takes to image the host
prior to running the tests slows down their whole CI pipeline. What they
want to do is boot
instances in advance then as needed select an unused instance and
execute their CI job on it. Upon completion of their CI job they'd like
to reimage the host and return it to an "unused" state.

  I came up with something using instance names as an atomic-ish means
of managing state. But it's pretty hacky. Before I go off and have to
build a new webservice myself, has anyone heard of a tool that does
something like this already?

Isn't it what nodepool supposed to do?

The OpenStack CI infra wrote and uses it:


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