Feature freeze + Kilo-3 development milestone available
We just hit Feature Freeze, so please do not approve changes that add
features or new configuration options unless those have been granted a
feature freeze exception. This is also String Freeze, so you should
avoid changing translatable strings. If you have to modify a
translatable string, you should give a heads-up to the I18N team.
Finally, this is also DepFreeze so you should avoid adding new
dependencies (bumping oslo or openstack client libraries is OK until
RC1). If you have a new dependency to add, raise a thread on
openstack-dev about it.

The kilo-3 development milestone was tagged, it contains more than 200
features and 825 bugfixes added since the kilo-2 milestone 6 weeks ago.
More details on the full announcement.

The joy of contributing to OpenStack

Contributing to OpenStack doesn’t have to be painful. To ease these pain
points, OpenStack developed free upstream training.. You can sign up for
the next one by May 2.

Another nice reading on the topic is Why your first OpenStack commit
will always be the hardest, the interview with Susanne Balle,
distinguished technologist with HP Cloud working on platform services.

Leveraging OpenStackClient as your unified command line interface

OpenStackClient v1.0.3 was released last week and this release includes
a large number of feature requests and bug fixes. But the even more
exciting news is that the OpenStack Technical Committee voted in favor
to include OpenStackClient as part of it’s list of official projects!
The newly integrated OpenStackClient project will include
python-openstackclient, cliff and os-client-config.

Handling High Email Volume with sup

Over the last year, the openstack-dev mailing list has averaged 2500
messages every month. Staying on top of that much email can be
challenging, especially with some of the consumer-grade email clients
available today. Doug Hellmann recently upgraded his email setup to use
sup, a terminal-based mail client. He says the switch helped him process
the mailing list, and even keep up with gerrit at the same time. Sounds
too good to be true to me. What do you think?

The Road to Vancouver

      * Sign up for OpenStack Upstream Training in Vancouver
      * Deadline for Superuser Awards: March 22
      * Vancouver Summit Sponsorships Now Available
      * Canada Visa Information
      * Official Hotel Room Blocks
      * Next batch of invites to Kilo contributors will be sent after a
        new milestone is released

Relevant Conversations

      * if by "archived" you mean, "wipes out your tables completely",
        then sure, it works fine
      * Example configs 
      * Capability Discovery API 

Deadlines and Development Priorities

      * Feature freeze + Kilo-3 development milestone available 
      * [cinder] Proposals for Liberty Summit 
      * [Cinder] Bug Triage - Call for Participation 
      * [sahara] Design summit proposals for Liberty Summit 
      * [oslo] must-fix bugs for final kilo releases 
      * [Nova] Liberty specs are now open 
      * Gerrit downtime on 2015-03-21

Security Advisories and Notices

      * None

Tips ‘n Tricks

      * By Kashyap Chamarthy: Minimal DevStack with OpenStack Neutron
      * By CaptainKVM: Custom Cloud Images for OpenStack pt1
      * By Ben Nemec: QuintupleO Success!
      * By Sébastien Han: OpenStack Glance NFS and Compute local direct

Upcoming Events

OpenStack @ PyCon 2015: Booth info, looking for volunteers, posting of
jobs, OpenStack presentations 

      * Mar 22 - 23, 2015 OpenStack Workshop, Pune, Bangalore,
        Karnataka, IN
      * Mar 22 - 23, 2015 OpenStack Workshop at SICSR, Pune
      * Mar 24, 2015 OpenStack Malaysia 2nd Meetup Damansara, Kuala
        Lumpur, MY
      * Mar 26, 2015 PDX OpenStack Hackathon Portland, OR, US
      * Mar 26, 2015 #CloudBeerStockholm Stockholm, SE
      * Mar 26, 2015 OpenStack L.A. March Meetup Pasadena, CA, US
      * Mar 31, 2015 Ceph Day Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands, NL
      * Mar 31, 2015 OpenStack: fueled and containerized Rome, IT
      * Apr 01, 2015 OpenStack Meetup DFW Frisco, Texas, US
      * Apr 03 - 06, 2015 ISCC2015 Ariana, Ariana, TN
      * Apr 08 - 16, 2015 PyCon 2015 Montreal, Quebec, CA
      * Apr 13 - 14, 2015 OpenStack Live Santa Clara, CA, US
      * Apr 13 - 16, 2015 StackAttack! A HOLatCollaborate15 Las Vegas,
        NV, US
      * Apr 15, 2015 iX OpenStack Tag Köln, NRW, DE
      * Apr 16 - 18, 2015 Open Cloud 2015 Beijing, Beijing, CN
      * Apr 21 - 22, 2015 CONNECT 2015 Melbourne, Victoria, AU
      * Apr 22 - 23, 2015 China SDNNFV Conference Beijing, CN
      * Apr 22, 2015 OpenStack NYC Meetup New York, NY, US
      * Apr 23, 2015 OpenStack Philadelphia Meetup Philadelphia, PA, US
      * May 05 - 07, 2015 CeBIT AU 2015 Sydney, NSW, AU
      * May 18 - 22, 2015 OpenStack Summit May 2015 Vancouver, BC
      * Jun 11, 2015 OpenStack DACH Day 2015 Berlin, DE
      * Jul 20 - 24, 2015 OSCON 2015 Portland, OR, US
      * Aug 10 - 13, 2015 Gartner Catalyst Conference San Diego, CA, US
      * Sep 17, 2015 OpenStack Benelux Conference 2015 Bussum, NL
      * Oct 04 - 08, 2015 Gartner SymposiumITxpo Orlando, FL, US
      * Nov 15 - 20, 2015 Supercomputing 15 Austin, TX, US

Other News

      * QuintupleO Demo Video
      * What’s Going On With Heat-Translator
      * Meet AVOS: the analytics dashboard for your OpenStack cloud
      * QEMU QCow2 built-in encryption: just say no. Deprecated now, to
        be deleted soon
      * [Ceilometer] Gnocchi 1.0.0a1 released 
      * [Ironic] Announcing Bifrost 

Got Answers?

Ask OpenStack is the go-to destination for OpenStack users. Interesting
questions waiting for answers:

      * is there planned support for destination ip as a load balancing
      * Network connection leak in Keystone?
      * read failed with input/output error on VolGroup
      * How to use Opendaylight loadbalance app in OpenStack Neutron
      * JJB looking for the postbuilders(maven project) config to set
        "Run only if build succeeds"
      * Rally throwing errors for heat testing.
      * Inserting additional status entries into nova.instance_actions?
The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please
leave a comment.


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