On 03/30/2015 09:53 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 03/30/2015 07:30 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:
On 03/30/2015 04:57 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 03/30/2015 06:42 PM, Chris Friesen wrote:
On 03/30/2015 02:47 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:
On 03/30/2015 10:42 AM, Chris Friesen wrote:
On 03/29/2015 09:26 PM, Mike Dorman wrote:
Hi all,

I’m curious about how people deal with failures of compute
 nodes, as in total failure when the box is gone for good.
 (Mainly care about KVM HV, but also interested in more
general cases as well.)

The particular situation we’re looking at: how end users
could identify or be notified of VMs that no longer exist,
because their hypervisor is dead.  As I understand it, Nova
will still believe VMs are running, and really has no way
to know anything has changed (other than the nova-compute
instance has dropped off.)

I understand failure detection is a tricky thing.  But it
seems like there must be something a little better than

This is a timely question...I was wondering if it might make
 sense to upstream one of the changes we've made locally.

We have an external entity monitoring the health of compute
nodes. When one of them goes down we automatically take
action regarding the instances that had been running on it.

Normally nova won't let you evacuate an instance until the
compute node is detected as "down", but that takes 60 sec
typically and our software knows the compute node is gone
within a few seconds.

Any external monitoring solution that detects the compute node
is "down" could issue a call to `nova evacuate $HOST`.

The question I have for you is what does your software
consider as a "downed" node? Is it some heartbeat-type stuff in
network connectivity? A watchdog in KVM? Some proactive
monitoring of disk or memory faults? Some combination?
Something entirely different? :)

Combination of the above.  A local entity monitors "critical
stuff" on the compute node, and heartbeats with a control node
via one or more network links.


The change we made was to patch nova to allow the health
monitor to explicitly tell nova that the node is to be
considered "down" (so that instances can be evacuated
without delay).

Why was it necessary to modify Nova for this? The external
monitoring script could easily do: `nova service-disable $HOST
 nova-compute` and that immediately takes the compute node out
 of service and enables evacuation.

Disabling the service is not sufficient.
compute.api.API.evacuate() throws an exception if
servicegroup.api.API.service_is_up(service) is true.

servicegroup.api.service_is_up() returns whether the service has
been disabled in the database (when using the DB servicegroup
driver). Which is what `nova service-disable $HOST nova-compute`

I must be missing something.

It seems to me that servicegroup.drivers.db.DbDriver.is_up() returns
whether the database row for the service has been updated for any
reason within the last 60 seconds. (Assuming the default

Incidentally, I've proposed https://review.openstack.org/163060 to
change that logic so that it returns whether the service has sent in
a status report in the last 60 seconds.  (As it stands currently if
you disable/enable a "down" service it'll report that the service is
"up" for the next 60 seconds.)

What servicegroup driver are you using?

The DB driver.

You've hit upon a bug. In no way should a disabled service be considered
"up". Apologies. I checked the code and indeed, there is no test for
whether the service record from the DB is disabled or not.

I don't think it's a bug. It makes sense to have the administrative state (enabled/disabled) tracked separately from the operational state (up/down).

If we administratively disable a compute node, that just means that the scheduler won't put new instances on it. It doesn't do anything to the instances already there. It's up to something outside of nova (the admin user, or some orchestration software) to move them elsewhere if appropriate.

It actually makes sense to only allow evacuating from an operationally down compute node, because if the compute node is operationally up (even if administratively disabled) then you could do a migration (live or cold) which would be cleaner than an evacuate. The evacuate code assumes the instance isn't currently running, and that assumption is only true if the compute node is operationally down.

The only issue I see with the current code is that it's possible to have a situation where some other code (the external monitor) knows quicker than the nova code that another compute node should be considered "down".


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