Uwe Sauter <uwe.sauter...@gmail.com> wrote on 04/27/2015 01:22:35 PM:

> >> if I understood Georges answer correctly he suggested one bridge
> >> (br-join, either OVS or linux bridge) to connect other bridges
> >> via patch links, one for each external network you'd like to create.
> >> These second level bridges are then used for the Neutron
> >> configuration:
> >>
> >>                 br-ext1 -> Neutron
> >>                /
> >>             patch-link
> >>              /
> >> ethX –br-join
> >>              \
> >>             patch-link
> >>                \
> >>                 br-ext2 -> Neutron
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I suggested to use an OVS bridge because there it'd be possible to
> >> stay away from the performance-wise worse patch-links and Linux
> >> bridges and use "internal" interfaces to connect to Neutron directly
> >> – which on second thought won't work if Neutron expects a
> >> bridge in that place.
> >>
> >> What I suggested later on is that you probably don't need any second
> >> level bridge at all. Just create a second/third external
> >> network with appropriate CIDR. As long as those networks are
> >> externally connected to your interface (and thus the bridge) you
> >> should be good to go.
> > 
> > In parallel emails we have established that I have to do what you 
> have drawn.  I need to do that the node(s) that run L3
> > agents.  Do I need to modify the bridge_mappings, flat_networks, 
> or network_vlan_ranges configuration statement on the
> > other nodes (compute hosts)?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Mike
> > 
> I think you just need to create the cascading bridges with their 
> inter-connects, then tell Neutron the association
> between secondary bridge (e.g. br-ext1, br-ext2) and external 
> network. Then create (!) the external networks and restart
> Neutron.
> Concerning you intra-cloud networking I don't think you need to 
> reconfigure anything as long as this is already working.
> Compute hosts shouldn't be affected as its not their business to 
> know about external networks.

So I did what George said and you drew, using OVS bridges, and it seems to 
be working.


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