I'm not at Vancouver, but I'm interested in this wg. I've included some
comments in the etherpad, mainly about opportunities for automation, and
at the end a proposal on how to express tags using JSON. I would
appreciate any summary from the working session.



On Tue, 2015-05-12 at 23:04 +0800, Tom Fifield wrote:
> Hi all,
> By now you should have seen Thierry's "The Way Forward" blog[1], which
> describes the problems with having just one binary flag to say whether a
> project is 'good' or not (the integrated release), and proposes the tags
> system.
> The tags system lets us make up a series of labels for each software
> project in the OpenStack ecosystem to help people in their decision
> making. As Ops, we have a lot of knowledge about what works, and how it
> works. We're also in a good position to define what it is our fellow Ops
> actually needed to know before they choose to deploy something.
> It's my great pleasure to announce the formation of the Ops Tag Team.
> Continuing from the initial work done by the user committee and those of
> us who made it to Philadelphia[2], the Vancouver summit is the time to
> really get this effort ramped up. The team will have a working session
> to define the initial set of tags.
> There are a range of questions you likely have, and many an effort
> needed on scoping this activity to be the most useful it can be. I've
> attempted to kick-start some things on the etherpad for that session,
> and your edits and tag suggestions there would be appreciated:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-ops-tags
> Please do make that etherpad as useful as possible :) The room we have
> at the summit is limited in size, and really designed for those who plan
> to make ongoing contributions to the activity to do actual work.
> Regards,
> Tom, on behalf of the User Committee
> [1] http://ttx.re/the-way-forward.html
> [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/PHL-ops-tags
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