[Cross-posting to both dev and operators list because I believe this
is important to both groups]

For those of us who have been working on the OpenStack Community App
Catalog (http://apps.openstack.org) yesterday was really exciting.  We
had a chance to do a quick demo and walk through during the keynote,
followed by a longer talk in the afternoon (slides here:

The wiki page with more details is here:

If you are in Vancouver and are interested in helping improve the
Community App Catalog please join us for this working session:

http://sched.co/3Rk4 (11:50 room 116/117)
Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/YVR-app-catalog-plans

If you can't join the session but have ideas or thoughts you would
like to see discussed please add them to the etherpad.  I've put down
a few of the ideas that have come up so far, but it's definitely not a
comprehensive list.

We got really great feedback yesterday afternoon and found a lot of
people are interested in contributing to the catalog and working
together to add improvements.  Hopefully you can join us today!


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