
Better late than never, here's a summary of the Ops Keystone / Federation
Session from this past Tuesday:

First, I want to thank everyone from the Keystone team for attending the
session -- it was very cool to have you guys on-hand to directly answer
questions and give input and insight into the various items being discussed.

This was the first time we had a discussion session dedicated to this topic
and we could have easily spent entire sessions on each of the main items
listed in the Etherpad <https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-ops-federation>.
I think that shows there's a lot to be discussed with regard to federated

The biggest discussion item to come out of the session was that a federated
cloud means so much more than just "Keystone". Allocating, restricting,
automatic provisioning, reporting, and cleanup of any type of
OpenStack-enabled resource in a federated cloud are all areas Operators are
interested in learning about, but those areas are either not well defined
(perhaps because what works for one federation won't work for another), are
not possible to do yet, or are possible but Operators aren't sure how to
implement them.

I encourage operators who are interested in this area to keep the
discussion going on this list by sharing your questions, concerns, and
trials. As well, I hope to see this topic in future Ops meetups and tracks
as a more formal way to touch base on this area.

Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-ops-federation

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