On 2015-07-06 15:43, Álvaro López García wrote:
On 02 Jul 2015 (19:26), gustavo panizzo (gfa) wrote:


        has anybody moved from kvm to xen?
i see the support for xen on nova's hypervisor support matrix got better on
latest releases.

We're using Xen from the beginning, back in Cactus IIRC. In the past we
had to patch several things, but support has improved a lot.
do you still need to patch?

we found hard to isolate noisy vm on kvm, and the network problem (i sent on
another email) is killing us

besides, xen being used by rackspace and aws is not bad publicity at all

so, is anybody using xen? what are they using? xenserver from citrix,
xen4centos, xen on ubuntu, xen+libvirt? what are the results?

We are using Ubuntu + Libvirt + Xen, and we're happy with it. The only
thing that you have to take into account is that if you plan to use
PyGrub you cannot use CoW, mainly because PyGrub cannot read qcow2

does live migration without shared storage works?
if yes, which percentage of failure do you have?

which neutron agent (ovs, linuxbridge) do you use?



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