OpenStack: the platform for VMs, containers, and the next big

Jonathan Bryce, OpenStack Foundation executive director, on the state of
the stack heading into OpenStack Silicon Valley, August 26-27.

      25 Years of OpenStack—Looking Back From the Future

Well, here we are again. It’s 2035, and it’s time for another OpenStack
anniversary post. Can you believe it’s really been 25 years since
OpenStack began? Back then OpenStack wasn’t the ubiquitous juggernaut it
is now, of course. There were even people who questioned whether it
would ever catch on at all!

    The Road to Tokyo

  * Registration is open
  * Get your OpenStack Summit Tokyo visa in five steps
  * Tr
    August 10
  * Superuser Awards

  * Interested in being a Tokyo Summit Sponsor?

    Reports from Previous Events

  * OpenStack Miniconf at PyConAu
  * Foundation Board of Directors Meeting

    Deadlines and Contributors Notifications

  * Full list of mid-cycle sprints (meetups)
  * Product WG Liberty Meetup: August 20-21-12, 2015 @Cisco, San Jose,
  * OpenStack Ops Mid-Cycle Meetup August 18, 2015, Palo Alto, CA

    Security Advisories and Notices

  * OSSA 2015-013] Glance task flow may fail to delete image from
  * [Security][LP# 1471161] Designate mDNS DoS through incorrect
    handling of large RecordSets

    Tips ‘n Tricks

  * ByYanis Guenane
    From 0 to OpenStack with devtest: the process in details
  * By Gorka Eguileor <>: A Cinder Road to
    Active/Active HA
  * By Phil Hopkins: Install OpenStack from source
  * By Tim Bell:
    Model Selection for High Throughput Computing
    and OpenStack CPU topology for High Throughput Computing

    Upcoming Events <>

  * Jul 31 - Aug 04, 2015
    <> OpenStack at
    PyCon Australia <>
    Brisbane, AU <>
  * Aug 01 - 08, 2015
    OpenStack UnSummit onSummit = SKI TIME!
    Arrowtown, NZ
  * Aug 04 - 07, 2015
    <> Cinder
    Midcycle Sprint
    <> Fort
    Collins, CO, US
  * Aug 05, 2015
    August Sydney Meetup
  * Aug 05 - 07, 2015
    Barbican Midcycle Sprint
    Laurel, MD, US
  * Aug 05 - 06, 2015 <>
    Magnum Midcycle Sprint
    <> San Jose, CA, US
  * Aug 05 - 06, 2015
    OpenStack Networking: L4-L7 Services Deep-dive (23)
    Washington D.C., DC, US
  * Aug 05, 2015
    Application Management and Orchestration in OpenStack
    Tel Aviv, IL
  * Aug 06 - 07, 2015
    Congress Midcycle Sprint
    <> Palo
    Alto, CA, US
  * Aug 06, 2015
    Lunch & Learn - Distributed, Elastic L4-L7 Network
    Reston, VA, US
  * Aug 07 - 08, 2015
    Day India 2015
    Karnataka, IN
  * Aug 07, 2015
    SFBay OpenStack Hackathon #OSSFO
  * Aug 07, 2015
    South Bay OpenStack Meetup, Beginner track
  * Aug 07, 2015
    Huge OpenStack 5th Birthday Event plus the Upstream Game
    Sunnyvale, CA, US
  * Aug 07 - 08, 2015
    OpenStack Day India 2015
    Bangalore, IN
  * Aug 07, 2015
    Monty Taylor: OpenStack is ready ... so now what?
    Wellington, NZ
  * Aug 10 - 13, 2015
    <> Gartner
    Catalyst Conference
    <> San Diego,
    CA, US <>
  * Aug 11, 2015
    OpenStack Day Taiwan 2015
    Taipei, TW
  * Aug 12 - 14, 2015
    <> Ironic
    Midcycle Sprint
    Seattle, WA, US
  * Aug 12 - 13, 2015
    Operating OpenStack with Ansible
    New York, NY, US
  * Aug 17 - 20, 2015
    Designate Mid-cycle Meetup
    Austin, TX, US
  * Aug 18 - 19, 2015
    OpenStack Ops Mid-Cycle Meetup
    Palo Alto, California, US
  * Aug 19 - 21, 2015
    <> China
    Liberty Hackathon
    <> Xian,
    Shanxi, CN <>
  * Aug 20, 2015 <> OpenStack Day
    Seattle 2015 <> Seattle, WA, US
  * Aug 20 - 21, 2015
    Product Working Group Midcycle
    San Jose, CA, US
  * Aug 25, 2015
    <> OpenStack
    Trove Day 2015
    <> San Jose,
    CA, US <>
  * Aug 26 - 27, 2015 <> OpenStack Silicon
    Valley <> Mountain View, California, US
  * Aug 26 - 28, 2015
    <> Trove
    Midcycle Sprint
    Sunnyvale, CA, US
  * Aug 27, 2015
    <> OpenStack
    Nova Deep Dive Meetup
    Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RO
  * Aug 27, 2015
    <> Networking
    with LXC Containers
    <> Lehi, Utah,
    US <>

    Other News

  * Introducing Murano plugins: Extending OpenStack catalog capabilities
  * Liberty-2 development milestone
  * Technical Committee Highlights July 24, 2015
  * OpenStack Foundation Staffing News

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