Hi, Dims.
  I have saw that note about "long lived process" in dova-docker READEME file. 
I have tried redis image and ubuntu-sshd image,and the two images worked well. 
And then, I write a simple python code which like that "while True: print 
'hello world' ", and put that code input redis image ,this also worked. but 
when I tried use 'ping localhost' or 'ping IP ADDRESS', it errors again. I 
think maybe the network was not ready,so the app raise exception and the 
container exits. So, I change the code like that :1 use sleep-wait for check if 
the network is ready, 2 check if eth0's ip address is ready 3 run ping 
application or other app which only sending packets. This also errors and exits.

At 2015-11-02 19:25:27, "Davanum Srinivas" <dava...@gmail.com> wrote:


please see the note about "long lived process" in nova-docker README file. This 
happens when the process started in the container exits before network is 
setup. you should also check docker logs to see if there is any error.


On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:30 AM, hittang <hit...@163.com> wrote:

Hi, everyone.
 I install nova docker driver by https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Docker . but 
when I create a docker instance, it doesn't work.the errors like that "Cannot 
setup network: Cannot find any PID under container" Can anybody help me ?


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